
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月24日 09:55   沪江英语
长夜漫漫 无心睡眠


  蹩脚的表达:to be optimistic

  地道的表达:toss and turn




  Brennan: I need to ask you some things。

  Booth: You going to ask me about God and the Devil?

  Brennan: Yes。

  Booth: You're going to ask me how God can place such a burden on good people。

  Brennan: No. I'm going to ask you how you still believe in a kind God after a case like this。

  Booth: Was my faith shaken? Yeah. Mm-hmm. It is。

  Brennan: It is?

  Booth: Yeah. I'll go home tonight and I'll lie in bed and I'll toss and I'll turn and I'll beat myself up. And, uh, I'll question everything。

  Brennan: Will you get your faith back?

  Booth: Always have in the past。

  Brennan: So you have faith that you will retain your faith? Why?

  Booth: Because, Bones, the sun will come up and tomorrow's a new day。

  Brennan: I know that feeling。


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