
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月17日 10:39   环球时报

  Japanese farmers have utilized many hi-tech ways of growing fruits such as using air conditioners and automatic watering hoses in greenhouses that are monitored by computers。

  The fruit farmers could also determine, through the machines, whether the fruits contain viruses, pests or are immune。

  However, Japanese consumers are still very cautious when shopping for vegetables and fruits。

  The Yahoo! Japan website reported Monday that with an effort to prohibit apples with excessive pesticide from entering the market, due to health risks, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan issued an order calling for a numbering system。

  It will require growers of well-known Japanese Fuji apples to use certain numbers on their apples that are traceable。

  In accordance with this stipulation, Japanese fruit growers must first classify their apples and then send them to the Japanese Agricultural Association for tests, where every fruit grower's apples will be numbered and checked for pesticide。

  After all these processes, the apples will be able to enter the market。

  In the event a quality problem arises from the apples after they're bought, growers could also be held responsible。




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