好莱坞女星感谢母亲:Rumer Willis等(组图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月07日 17:11   沪江英语
Rumer Willis
Rumer Willis

  Rumer Willis

  "She has an amazing eye for style. I can be wearing a dress she'll say, 'It's a fantastic dress, but it won't photograph well.' She's been collecting vintage clothing since she was younger than me."


Kate Bosworth
Kate Bosworth

  Kate Bosworth

  "My mom has the best smile ever. It's so beautiful and it's infectious. Once she smiles, you can't help but smile too."


Regina King
Regina King

  Regina King

  "She makes incredibly great tasting vegetables. I know that sounds crazy, but you could be someone who says, 'Oh I don’t eat vegetables,' but when my mother makes them, you’ll think you’re eating chicken!"


Mena Suvari
Mena Suvari

  Mena Suvari

  "Love me unconditionally. I'm her only daughter."



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