好莱坞女星感谢母亲:Olivia Thirlby等(组图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月07日 17:11   沪江英语
Olivia Thirlby
Olivia Thirlby

  Olivia Thirlby

  "She's got to be the best listener ever. I grew up just wanting to tell her everything—what I did that day, or about some major crisis or happiness. She's the best!"


Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

  Kristin Cavallari

  "Listen to you cry for hours and hours and hours over the stupidest stuff. She'll let you get everything out and then she'll give you her advice. She really listens."


Laura Prepon
Laura Prepon

  Laura Prepon

  "She has persistence like I've never seen in my life. She just does not give up. Never. Like it doesn't matter, you just get it done."


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