双语盘点:超级隐蔽的间谍摄像头(组图)人类的想象力是无限的-这10款超级隐蔽的摄像头一定会让你深深地体会到这一点。然而,在惊叹人们的想象力的时候,我们也应该注意到,我们的个人隐私也可能会受到越来越多的威胁。 牙刷摄像头
Chinese manufacturers keep working hard to invent the craziest things. But a hidden camera disguised as an Oral-B electric toothbrush, is beyond creative. The $243 Pinhole Spy Toothbrush Hidden Camera records 640×480 video in AVI format, using its internal 8GB flash memory. According to their product site, it looks exactly like a real electric toothbrush。 在发明最为疯狂的产品道路上,中国制造商一直努力前行。图片中的针孔间谍牙刷摄像头就是一个最好例证。这款摄像头被伪装成一支欧乐B电动牙刷,可谓极富创造性。它的售价为243美元,内置8G闪存,可拍摄640×480 AVI格式视频,外形与真正的电动牙刷没什么两样,具有很高的隐秘性。 可乐罐摄像头
It looks like an ordinary Coca-Cola can, but it's also a Coca-Cola camera. Nobody will ever find out there are being recorded with that。 虽然看起来好似一个普通可乐罐,但它同时也是一个可乐摄像头。把这样一个东西摆在桌子上,任何人都想不到它居然是干偷拍用的。 香烟摄像头
If you have young kids and you leave with childcare during the day, you've probably thought of your children on many occasions, just wondering about the quality of daycare the caregiver provides. Surveillance companies have built a big business on this fear with the release of all kinds of hidden cameras. The SDHCC pinhole hidden camera that resides within a cigarette box allows you to keep active watch on your caregiver as they interact with your child. The camera captures clear, colored video which can be transmitted to any monitor or TV set via the included receiver. There is also an option to record the footage to a VCR or DVD player with record capabilities。 有孩子的父母都有这种体会:如果白天把孩子留在家交由保姆照看,总担心保姆不会像自己一样尽职尽责,让孩子吃苦头。父母的这种担忧促使生产监视设备的公司推出各式各样的隐秘摄影头,也因此大赚了一笔。 SDHCC针孔隐秘摄像头藏身于烟盒内,帮助父母密切监视保姆在照看孩子时的一举一动。这款摄像头能够拍摄彩色清晰视频并通过接收器传送给监视器或者电视。此外,它还能拍摄可在VCR或者DVD上播放的视频。 网友评论
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