BrickHousepresents a hidden camera which looks like an ordinary tissue box. This TissueBox camera can record video clips with 720×480 resolution at 30fps. It is ableto capture video footage in extreme low light environment。 BrickHouse公司推出了一款外形好似普通纸巾盒的隐秘摄像头,能够以每秒30帧的速度拍摄720×480解析度视频,同时具备在光线极暗环境下进行偷拍的能力。 皮带摄像头
If you're aspiring to be a super secret spy at some point in your life then you'llneed the equipment to go with the job. No one can be a true spy without theproper tools. Well Minox is selling a seemingly innocent belt that happens tohave a hidden camera built into it. The belt can record videos, which willlikely be every perv's dream. It doesn't only record videos, but it will recordaudio as well. Giving you handy blackmail material when needed. It records ontoan SD card and includes a USB adapter. It will cost you a pretty penny though,it is priced at about $300. 如果希望在有生之年成为一名超级秘密间谍,你可能需要一款伪装成腰带的摄像头。不借助适当的设备,没有人能够成为真正的间谍。Well Minox公司现已推出这种隐秘摄像头——表面上看与腰带没什么两样,内部安装了摄影头。拥有一条具有摄像功能的腰带估计是所有偷窥狂的梦想。而更令他们感到欣喜的是,这款摄像头不仅可以记录影像,同时也可以录制声音,绝对是偷窥狂通过偷拍获得证据进而进行勒索敲诈的必备工具。腰带摄像头将拍摄的视频存储到一张SD 卡上,同时装有一个USB适配器,售价在大约300美元左右。 领带间谍摄像头
Let's face it, the only things that you will probably end up capturing on this hiddencamera will be people photocopying, sitting in cubicles, making coffee andoccasionally pilfering some office supplies. Or if you are smart, you couldtake all of your colleagues out for drinks, get them talking about the boss anduse it to leverage your way to the top. I t holds 2GB of video and connects toyour computer via USB。 领带间谍摄像头堪称办公室的“终极监工”。在它的窥视下,谁拿公司的影印机干私活,谁在上班时间聊天和吃零食,谁又在偷办公耗材,一切都变得一览无余。如果够聪明的话,你可以戴着这条领带请所有同事喝酒,唆使他们在背后谈论老板,说老板的坏话,然后就可以依次为砝码达到升迁目的。 领带摄像头存储容量为2GB,通过USB与电脑相连。
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