
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年05月11日 11:56   沪江英语

  This lighter camera uses brand new technology to capture highly-detailed videos with incredibly clear video compress file sizes. After all, it wouldn't be terribly stealthy stopping in the middle of a "mission" to insert another memory card, would it? Of course not. Because it's built in 4GB memory so no need to insert another memory card. Sneaking a video indoors is also inconspicuous thanks to Omejo Technology which allows you to take clear videos in day light without using a flash。

  Of course, you can also capture video clips with sound, so you can record that elusive piece of evidence wherever you may find it. This little gadget can also come in handy when you need to take a quick mental note, thanks to its voice recording function. This tiny little gem will record up to 2hours of resolution 640x480 clear video, so you don't forget any important pieces of information。



  This gadget, the Motion Detector Telephone, it is not only a funny toy but it willhelp you to keep your place more safe. It has a built- in sensor which willdetect every move from the room and highlight its author. The best part at thiscool telephone is that it will call to a preset number every time when thealarm is activated and it will detect a moving presence. Its range is about 30feet long and has a width of 20 feet。



  This 2.4 GHz Wireless Shoe Covert Camera is really pushing the boundaries. It comes in two parts, the covert camera with a 2.4GHz transmitter which resides in a shoe or similar and the fully working tri-band, 3″ GSM cell phone which receives the camera signal and records it。

  The phone has 1Gb of built-in storage and the camera can broadcast out to about 50 metres. Thankfully it's US$329 so no one will buy it。

  这款2.4GHz无线鞋子摄像头是一款真正意义上具有突破性的隐秘摄像头。它由摄像头和手机这两部分组成。摄像头隐藏在鞋子内,装有2.4GHz 发射器,可在三个频段下工作。GSM手机屏幕尺寸为3英寸,可接收摄像头信号并进行记录,拥有1G内置内存,最远可接收大约50米外的信号。虽然非常先进,但由于329美元的售价,普通老百姓估计不会掏钱购买。


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