世界杯来临英国宿醉上班人数或飙升(图)![]() 英国每天有超过52万人带着宿醉上班
The average Briton turns up to work with a hangover three times a month, according to a survey on Wednesday, and the frequency is expected to increase during next month's World Cup。 The charity Drinkaware found each day more than 520,000 people in Britain go to work hung over, with nearly one in five of those admitting that as a result they make mistakes and struggle to keep on top of their workload。 "An international sporting event like the World Cup will inevitably capture the attention of the nation and is a great time for people to come together, but hangovers at work are likely to increase," said Drinkaware Chief Executive Chris Sorek。 "With hundreds of thousands of people going to work every day after a heavy night, it impacts work productivity and even results in employees going home sick." While nine out of 10 people said they considered having a hangover at work unacceptable, two-thirds of the 1,085 adults questioned by pollsters ICM admitted they had joked with their colleagues or boss about having a hangover。 Of those who went to work hung over, seven percent have had to leave work early because they were too ill to carry on。 本周三公布的一项调查显示,英国人平均一个月中有三次因前夜饮酒过量带着宿醉去上班,这一频率在下月世界杯期间预计还会增加。 英国Drinkaware慈善机构发现,英国每天有超过52万人带着宿醉上班,其中近五分之一的人承认他们会因此在工作中会出错,而且工作进度也会受到影响。 Drinkaware执行总监克里斯•索瑞克说:“像世界杯这样的国际体育赛事无疑会吸引大家的关注,这是一个聚会的好时光,但是带着宿醉工作的情况可能会增多。” “在世界杯期间,每天都有成千上万的人在狂饮一夜后去上班,这不仅会影响工作效率,甚至会导致员工因不舒服而早退的情况。” ICM民意调查机构对1085名成年人开展的调查显示,90%的人认为宿醉上班不可接受,而三分之二的人坦称他们曾与同事或老板拿宿醉的事情开玩笑。 在那些宿醉上班的人中,有7%的人不得不早早收工,因为他们太难受,实在无法继续工作。
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