南非世界杯最不性感的十大球星(组图)Sexy is, truly, in the eye of the beholder。 性感不性感,还要看个人的眼光。 If you've been following media coverage of the World Cup these past few weeks you might think every footballer is a chiseled god — ripped, handsome, and oozing sex appeal。 如果你最近几周一直在关注世界杯报道,你很可能会有种错觉——认为绿茵场上的每个球员都是轮廓分明、性感英俊的帅哥。 You'd be wrong。 那你可错了。 These World Cup 2010 players won't be featured in Vanity Fair, Cosmopolitan or The Daily Beast for their looks。 以下这些球员就绝对不会受到《名利场》、《大都会》或《每日野兽》等杂志的青睐。 The men on the list below have been chosen by GlobalPost because they are un-sexy in some way or another. Some lack physical beauty, others lack inner beauty, a few lack both. And while many redeem themselves with skills on the field, we just don't want to see them in their skivvies。 GlobalPost特别推出世界杯最不性感的十大球星,入选者都因为这样或那样的原因不性感。有些人长得对不起观众,有些则属于品行不正,有些则是内外兼不达标。虽然其中很多人可以在球场上挽回些颜面,但我们可真不想看到他们穿暴露装。 弗兰克-里贝里(法国)
1. Franck Ribery - France 弗兰克·里贝里(法国) Yes, he has a scar as the result of an accident when he was 2. But that's not why Ribery, one of France's stars, makes the list. He was recently accused of hiring an underage prostitute. That's just not sexy。 “刀疤侠”两岁时不幸毁容,但这并不是这位法国名将上榜的原因。他最近因与一名未成年妓女发生而遭指控,这可真令人倒胃口。 韦恩-鲁尼(英格兰)
2. Wayne Rooney – England 韦恩·鲁尼(英格兰) Yes, Wayne Rooney's ears stick out from his perfectly round face making him look like Shrek. Indeed, England's Rooney was just named the ugliest soccer player in the world, at least according to 33 percent of the 2,500 women polled by www.thepeoplesclub.com. But he (usually) scores, which makes him a fan favorite。 鲁尼那张圆得不能再圆的脸上还配了一对招风耳,这使他看起来简直就是史莱克的翻版。根据www.thepeoplesclub.com网站对2500名女性开展的调查,鲁尼不幸当选为“世界最丑球星”,得票率高达33%。不过鲁尼总能进球,一球遮百丑啊。 卡洛斯-普约尔(西班牙)
3. Carles Puyol – Spain 卡洛斯·普约尔(西班牙) Things are looking hairy for Spain in the 2010 World Cup, and Carles Puyol isn't the only reason。 本届世界杯,西班牙前路“杂草丛生”,但这可不能只怪普约尔。 网友评论
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