8. Jong Tae-Se - North Korea 郑大世(朝鲜) North Korea's Jong Tae-Se didn't look so hot as he burst into tears before the Brazil-North Korea match. But the emotion seems genuine: Born in Japan to South Korean parents, Tae-Se traded his South Korean citizenship for a North Korean passport just so that he could play for it. Really? 在与巴西对垒前升国旗时,郑大世的哭相并不性感,但感情却无比真挚。生于朝鲜、父母是韩国出身,但郑大世却想放弃韩国国籍,仅仅是为了代表朝鲜队参赛。真的? 索迪里奥斯-基尔吉亚科斯(希腊)
9. Sotirios Kyrygiakos - Greece 索迪里奥斯·基尔吉亚科斯(希腊) Sotirios Kyrgiakos, 31, is only one of the many seasoned 30-something players on the Greek team, which has a 71-year-old coach. So if the early bird special is your idea of sexy, go Greece! 31岁的索迪里奥斯·基尔吉亚科斯只是希腊队众多老牌球星中的一位,单是这个球队的教练就已经71岁了。所以如果这正合你的口味,那就去找希腊队吧! 迭戈-马拉多纳(阿根廷队教练)
10. Argentina coach Diego Maradona 迭戈·马拉多纳(阿根廷队教练) Before the start of the tournament, Argentinean coach Diego Maradona promised to run naked through the center of Buenos Aires if Argentina wins the 2010 World Cup. We'd prefer he kept his pants on。 在本届世界杯赛开战前,阿根廷教练马拉多纳声称,如果阿根廷队捧杯,他将裸奔穿过布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心。真希望马大帅还是穿着裤子跑!
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