4. Carlos Tevez - Argentina 卡洛斯·特维斯(阿根廷) He has a widow's peak. But also a unibrow. Enough said。 脑门顶着“寡妇峰”(脑门上的V形头发,旧时迷信者认为是早寡的预兆),脸上还长着“连心眉”,这就足以说明问题了。 李云在(韩国)
5. Lee Woon-Jae - South Korea 李云在(韩国) South Korea's goalkeeper Lee Woon-Jae is nicknamed 'Spider Hands’ for his skills in the net. But those hands got him in trouble in 2007, when Woon-Jae and three of his teammates started messing around with prostitutes on the eve of the country's Asian Cup match。 韩国门将李云在人称“蜘蛛手”,站在门前就像给球门拉了一张网。但在2007年,他和三名队友被曝在亚洲杯比赛前夜嫖妓,让自己陷入麻烦。 彼得-克劳奇(英格兰)
6. Peter Crouch - England 彼得·克劳奇(英格兰) Peter Crouch — the tallest England player at 6'7'' — makes for one awkward and gangly soccer player. And he knows it. In an interview, when asked what he would be if he weren't a soccer player, Crouch replied: "A virgin." 克劳奇身高6英尺7英尺,在英格兰队无人能及。长成这样的芦柴棒未免有些奇怪,他自己也很明白这一点。在一次采访中,有记者问他,如果不做球员,他会做什么。他回答说:“处男”。 田中斗笠王(日本)
7. Marcus Tulio Tanaka – Japan 田中斗笠王(日本) Only one month ago, Marcus Tulio Tanaka of Japan acted like a child on the playing field. He got frustrated with the referee and marched around with his shirt on his head. This performance led one website to select him for the No. 1 "tantrum of the week." Sexy。 就在一个月前,田中斗笠王还在球场上耍孩子脾气。他生了裁判的气,于是用球衫蒙着脸在球场转悠,因此当选某网站“本周最傻”。这真“性感”。
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