双语:维多利亚为小贝招妓传闻欲逃离美国Victoria Beckham could leave the States because of her 'rage and humiliation' over the vice girl who claimed to have slept with husband David。 The fashion designer is said to have confided in friends and family in the UK that Bosnian-born prostitute Irma Nici has wrecked her 'happy' Los Angeles life。 Speaking to The Sun, a friend of the family said: 'She feels everyone is talking about her and whispering behind her back。 'She has even said she wants to come home. She is going through bouts of rage and feelings of humiliation.' Victoria and David moved to Los Angeles with their three sons when he signed for MSL club LA Galaxy in 2007. The friend added: 'When Victoria and David left the UK they thought they had left this kind of thing behind them.' Meanwhile, it was also revealed today David, 35, is set to launch a second round of legal action after a notorious madam claimed she supplied him with one of her vice girls。 Kristin Davis - who was the madam who supplied disgraced ex-New York Governor Eliot Spitzer with female escorts - is claiming that she arranged a threesome with Beckham, Nici and a brunette, all vehemently denied by David。 当大卫-贝克汉姆携妻子维多利亚2007年离开西班牙皇家马德里俱乐部,加盟美国洛杉矶银河俱乐部时,这对模范夫妻以为从此与欧洲“绝缘”,可以享受“快乐的洛杉矶生活”。不想,一则贝克汉姆嫖妓并玩3P的消息搅乱了维多利亚的心情,有报道称她非常沮丧,甚至计划“逃离美国”。 据外媒报道,尽管贝克汉姆信誓旦旦称自己是清白的,并发誓要起诉“造谣”的妓女,但显然,维多利亚依然觉得愤怒和屈辱,她正在经历屈辱和愤怒的情感较量。一位密友称,维多利亚觉得现在大家虽然都很关心她,但会在她身后窃窃私语指指点点。她甚至说自己要回家! 俗话说,苍蝇不叮无缝的蛋。小贝也是有前科的人,他之前与自己的女助理关系暧昧,已经让维多利亚伤心许久。作为一对曾经被广泛唱衰的夫妻,小贝和维多利亚已经拥有了3个宝贝儿子,可谓是家庭幸福。也正因为此,辣妹维多利亚对偷腥一类事情也更为敏感。小贝还是要拿出实际行动证明自己清白才是。 贝克汉姆要面对的不仅是失踪的妓女爱玛-尼奇,还有大名鼎鼎的克莉丝汀-戴维斯,这位著名的老鸨曾经为前纽约州州长斯皮策安排过嫖娼,并直接导致了这名政客政治生涯的终结。戴维斯声称自己一手安排了小贝与爱玛-尼奇以及一名棕发妓女的3人性交易。 名人桃色新闻永远是八卦小报津津乐道的话题,不过,为了小贝的3个孩子,还是如维多利亚所言,报道要适可而止啦。 网友评论
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