
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月27日 13:57   国际在线

  Victoria Beckham could leave the States because of her 'rage and humiliation' over the vice girl who claimed to have slept with husband David。

  The fashion designer is said to have confided in friends and family in the UK that Bosnian-born prostitute Irma Nici has wrecked her 'happy' Los Angeles life。

  Speaking to The Sun, a friend of the family said: 'She feels everyone is talking about her and whispering behind her back。

  'She has even said she wants to come home. She is going through bouts of rage and feelings of humiliation.'

  Victoria and David moved to Los Angeles with their three sons when he signed for MSL club LA Galaxy in 2007.

  The friend added: 'When Victoria and David left the UK they thought they had left this kind of thing behind them.'

  Meanwhile, it was also revealed today David, 35, is set to launch a second round of legal action after a notorious madam claimed she supplied him with one of her vice girls。

  Kristin Davis - who was the madam who supplied disgraced ex-New York Governor Eliot Spitzer with female escorts - is claiming that she arranged a threesome with Beckham, Nici and a brunette, all vehemently denied by David。







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