
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月23日 17:51   沪江英语
天生一对 The Parent Trap天生一对 The Parent Trap

  1 天生一对 The Parent Trap

  Nick Parker (Quaid) and Elizabeth James (Richardson) met and married each other during an ocean cruise on the QE2. Elizabeth gave birth to twin daughters Hallie and Annie (both played by Lohan), but the couple divorced and lost contact with each other, each parent raising one of the twins without telling her about her sister. Nick raised Hallie in the Napa Valley and became a wealthy wine grower, while Elizabeth raised Annie in London and became a famous wedding gown designer。

  安妮(琳赛·露安 Lindsay Lohan 饰)和荷莉(琳赛·露安 Lindsay Lohan 饰)两个小女孩在夏令营中相识。她们相貌惊人的相似,却非常合不来。十分偶然的,她们知道了对方原来是自己的孪生姐妹。

  她们开始互相打听对方的生活,讨论自己的父母:他们在一个豪华 的航海轮船上相遇,在旅途中就结了婚。然而最后却以感情破裂收场。因为这场离异,双胞胎姐妹一个被爸爸尼克(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)带到加州,生活在一个美丽的葡萄园;一个则被当婚纱设计师的妈妈丽莎(娜塔莎·理查德森 Natasha Richardson 饰)带到伦敦。两人因此从未谋面,甚至不知道彼此的存在。

  得知了这个真相,两个调皮的小鬼开始谋划她们的计策:她们决定调换身份,到对方的家庭去生活,一切都进展顺利。直到父亲要再婚,对后母(Elaine Hendrix 饰)的一场疯狂狙击大战开始了……


阳光小美女 Little Miss Sunshine阳光小美女 Little Miss Sunshine

  2 阳光小美女 Little Miss Sunshine

  Sheryl Hoover (Toni Collette) is an overworked mother of two children who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her brother Frank (Steve Carell) is a gay scholar of French author Marcel Proust, temporarily living at home with the family after a suicide attempt. Her husband Richard (Greg Kinnear) is striving to build a career as a motivational speaker and life coach. Dwayne (Paul Dano), Sheryl's son from a previous marriage, is an unhappy teenager who has taken a vow of silence until he can accomplish his dream of getting into the US Air Force Academy in order to become a test pilot. Richard's foul-mouthed father, Edwin (Alan Arkin), a World War II veteran recently evicted from a retirement home for using and sellingheroin, lives with the family. He is close with his seven-year-old granddaughter。

  7岁的奥利芙,戴眼镜,小肚腩,做一夜成名的美梦,坚信自己有朝一日能当选美国小姐。爸爸,推销成功学课程的讲师,相信“世界上只有两种人,成功者和失败者”,四处贩卖他的“成功九部曲”;哥哥,自闭男,崇拜尼采,为了考上飞行学院发哑誓,九个月没有同家人说话;舅舅,自称是美国最好的普鲁斯特研究学者,同性恋,恋人和同事跑掉、失业,自杀未遂,生活混乱;爷爷(阿兰·阿尔金 饰),被养老院赶出来的老流氓,满嘴脏话、吸毒;妈妈,是这个疯狂家庭唯一正常的人。在家人的支持下,奥利芙参加了“阳光小美女”的选美比赛,一家人踏上了集体寻梦的旅程。奥利芙能否如愿当选?家庭成员们怎样才能度过他们各自的危机?


哈利·波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone哈利·波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

  3 哈利·波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

  Harry Potter is a seemingly ordinary boy, living with his hostile relatives, theDursleys in Surrey. On his eleventh birthday, Harry learns from a mysterious stranger, Rubeus Hagrid, that he is actually a wizard, famous in the Wizarding World for surviving an attack by the evil Lord Voldemort when Harry was only a baby. Voldemort killed Harry's parents, but his attack on Harry rebounded, leaving only a lightning-bolt scar on Harry's forehead and rendering Voldemort powerless. Hagrid reveals to Harry that he has been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After buying his school supplies from the hidden wizarding street, Diagon Alley, Harry boards the train to Hogwarts via the concealed Platform 9¾ in King's Cross Station。




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