
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月23日 17:51   沪江英语
一月船长 Captain January一月船长 Captain January

  7 一月船长 Captain January

  Helen 'Star' Mason is a foundling rescued from the sea as a baby by Captain January, a lighthouse keeper. The two live in the lighthouse at Cape Tempest. Agatha Morgan, a truant officer in the area, demands that Star be enrolled in school and removed from the care of Captain January who never legally adopted her. The possibility of being separated is devastating for both January and Star. Meanwhile, January loses his job at the lighthouse when the lamp is replaced with an automatic one. Things look desperate for Star and January. Nazro, January’s friend, tries to help and traces Star’s relatives to Boston. He contacts them and they arrive at Cape Tempest to claim her. To Star’s surprise and delight, her wealthy aunt and uncle buy her a yacht and hire January as helmsman, Nazro and Roberts as crew, and Mrs. Croft as Cook。



蝴蝶 Le papillon蝴蝶 Le papillon

  8 蝴蝶 Le papillon

  Directed and written by Philippe Muyl, the family-friendly Le Papillon (The Butterfly) concerns a search for the title creature. Often lonely because of her single mother's busy work schedule, eight-year-old Elsa (Claire Bouanich) befriends an elderly neighbor man named Julien (Michel Serrault), eventually joining him on a trek to find a rare butterfly that lives for only 72 hours. As the relationship between the two teaches them both a few things about themselves, Elsa's mother (Nade Dieu) worries that her daughter has been kidnapped。

  丽莎(柯莱儿布翁尼许Claire Bouanich 饰),今年8岁,单亲,喜欢提问,各种各样童稚的问题。邻居的爷爷(米歇尔·塞罗 Michel Serrault 饰 ),儿子已经去世,脾气古怪,有收集蝴蝶标本的癖好。一天,丽莎闯进了爷爷的密室,发现了五彩斑斓的蝴蝶标本。爷爷还说,他要到山上去采集一个叫“伊莎贝拉”的蝴蝶,丽莎大喜,要跟爷爷一起去探险,她多么希望跟着爷爷去看满天飞的蝴蝶。一路上,丽莎给爷爷添了不少麻烦,因为她有问不完的问题,还放走了爷爷采来的蝴蝶。丽莎掉进了一个山洞,爷爷着急,找来了救生人员。两人的友谊、亲情,与美丽的大自然融为一体。


水果硬糖 Hard Candy水果硬糖 Hard Candy

  9 水果硬糖 Hard Candy

  Hayley, a 14 year-old girl, meets Jeff, a photographer in his thirties, on the Internet. After a few weeks of conversation, they decide to have a "photo shoot." At Jeff's house, they begin drinking screwdrivers, but Hayley drugs Jeff's and he passes out. When he wakes up, he is tied to a chair. Hayley, having completely abandoned her flirtatious persona, psychologically tortures Jeff for his crimes。

  天真甜美的十四岁少女海莉(艾伦·佩姬 Ellen Page 饰)在网络上认识了三十二岁的摄影师杰夫(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰),二人相约在咖啡馆见面,相谈甚欢。海莉主动要求去杰夫家,让他为自己拍摄艺术照片,杰夫欣然从命。聊天喝酒之后,杰夫突然眩晕倒地,醒来发现自己竟被五花大绑。原来海莉是有备而来,就是要惩罚在网络上勾引未成年少女的恋童癖。海莉在屋中搜寻杰夫进行不法行为的证据,并为他实施了阉割手术。中途邻居太太(吴珊卓 Sandra Oh 饰)来访,也被海莉成功蒙混过关。随着海莉惩罚计划的一步步展开,杰夫的真面目也逐渐浮出水面……


夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles

  10 夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles

  In modern-day San Francisco, reporter Daniel Molloy (Christian Slater) interviewsLouis de Pointe du Lac (Brad Pitt), who claims to be a vampire and tells the story of his past.Louis' story begins in Louisiana in 1791, when he was 24 and suffering from a death wish after the loss of his wife and infant child. The vampire Lestat (Tom Cruise) offers him a chance to be reborn and proceeds to turn him into a vampire. Lestat teaches Louis how to live as a vampire. At first, Louis rebels against hurting humans, drinking animal blood instead. He finally succumbs and kills his faithful house slave. He tries to kill himself by setting fire to his house, but Lestat rescues him and they flee。



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