
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年09月23日 17:51   沪江英语
哈利·波特与密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets哈利·波特与密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

  4 哈利·波特与密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

  Soon after the start of Harry's second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, messages on the walls of the corridors say that the Chamber of Secrets has been re-opened and that the "Heir of Slytherin" would kill all pupils whose parents are not both magical – which includes Hermione. Over the next few months, various inhabitants of the school are found petrified in corridors. Meanwhile, Harry, Ron, and Hermione discover Moaning Myrtle, the ghost of a girl who was killed the last time the Chamber was opened and now haunts the girls' toilet in which she died。

  Myrtle shows Harry a diary bearing the name Tom Marvolo Riddle. Although its pages are blank, it responds when Harry writes in it. Eventually the book shows him Hogwarts as it was fifty years ago. There he sees Tom Riddle, Head Boy at the time, blame Rubeus Hagrid, who was then thirteen years old and already kept dangerous creatures as pets, for opening the Chamber。

  哈利波特(丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰)结束了假期,即将回到霍格沃兹继续学习魔法。一个叫多比的家养小精灵警告哈利不要回到霍格沃兹,否则会陷入极大的危险。哈利没有听从多比的劝告,回到了霍格沃兹。很快,霍格沃兹发生了一连串怪事:接二连三出现学生被石化,一直找不出原因。而哈利总能听到一种奇怪的声音,从墙壁里传出来。传说,霍格沃兹有一个密室,里面记录着伏地魔年轻时的秘密,只有斯莱特林的人才能打开密室。哈利偶然发现自己能听懂蛇说话,一时传闻是哈利打开了密室。难道多比所指的危险就隐藏在密室?


菲比梦游奇境 Phoebe in Wonderland菲比梦游奇境 Phoebe in Wonderland

  5 菲比梦游奇境 Phoebe in Wonderland

  Felicity Huffman, Elle Fanning, and Patricia Clarkson star in director/screenwriter Daniel Barnz's illuminating tale of parenting and growth concerning an exceptional young girl whose troubling retreat into fantasy draws the concern of both her dejected mother and her unusually perceptive drama teacher. Phoebe (Fanning) is a talented young student who longs to take part in the school production of Alice in Wonderland, but whose bizarre behavior sets her well apart from her carefree classmates. Her mother (Huffman) is an aspiring academic who is beginning to feel like she has not only failed in her professional career, but as a parent as well. Though Phoebe's gifted drama teacher (Clarkson) has no doubts about the young girl's talent and capacity for learning, the frustration of seeing such a promising student slowly slip ever further away from reality soon becomes a growing concern both at home and at school。

  9岁女孩菲比(艾丽·范宁 Elle Fanning 饰)进入学校话剧团,饰演《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主角爱丽丝,话剧老师道吉尔小姐(帕特里西娅·克拉克森 Patricia Clarkson 饰)对菲比赞誉有佳。但话剧团外的菲比却问题重重,因向同学吐口水和无法控制自己的行为而屡遭麻烦。菲比的母亲希拉里(菲莉丝蒂·夏夫曼 Felicity Huffman 饰)拒绝承认菲比身患强迫性神经官能症的事实,面对多重压力,希拉里与丈夫皮特(比尔·普曼 Bill Pullman 饰)的矛盾频繁升级。与此同时,菲比的症状日益加剧,头脑中的幻象与现实的界限越来越模糊,而校方也对道吉尔小姐对孩子们的教育方法不满。精心排演的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》最终还能公映吗?


这个杀手不太冷 Léon这个杀手不太冷 Léon

  6 这个杀手不太冷 Léon

  Mathilda (Natalie Portman), a twelve-year old New York girl, is living an undesirable life among her half-family. Her father stores drugs for two-faced cop Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman). Only her little brother keeps Mathilda from breaking apart. One day, Stansfield and his team take cruel revenge on her father for stretching the drugs a little, thus killing the whole family. Only Mathilda, who was out shopping, survives by finding shelter in Léon's (Jean Reno) apartment in the moment of highest need。

  Soon, she finds out about the strange neighbour's unusual profession - killing - and desperately seeks his help in taking revenge for her little brother. Léon, who is completely unexperienced in fatherly tasks, and in friendships, does his best to keep Mathilda out of trouble - unsuccessfully. Now, the conflict between a killer, who slowly discovers his abilities to live, to feel, to love and a corrupt police officer, who does anything in his might to get rid of an eye witness, arises to unmeasurable proportions - all for the sake of a little twelve-year old girl, who has nearly nothing to lose。



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