盘点10部适合感恩节看的温暖电影(组图)西方的感恩节就快到了,虽说中国人没有过感恩节的传统,但这并不妨碍我们也在这个初冬的季节学会感恩学会珍惜自己所拥有的东西:家人、朋友、食物……在这样一个需要温暖的日子里为什么不坐下来看一部很棒的电影呢?丰盛的晚餐后,一家人围坐在一起看一部感人而励志的电影是件再惬意不过的事了。 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 《美食从天降》 The town of Swallow Falls, located on a tiny island hidden under the “A” in "Atlantic" on the world map (corresponding to the real-life location of Bermuda), suffers an economic downturn after the demand for sardines plummets ("everyone in the world realized that sardines are super gross"). Now stuck with their supply, sardines became the sole food in Swallow Falls. The audience is introduced to Flint Lockwood, (Bill Hader) a scientist whose inventions, beginning as a child (Max Neuwirth), have all ended in disaster. Flint's latest invention, Flint Lockwood's Diatomic Super Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator (or the FLDSMDFR, which several characters unsuccessfully try to pronounce), is a device which mutates water molecules into food; he hopes that it will end the town's sardine dependency, but his home does not have enough power to make it work... 在名为斯沃罗夫的小岛上,生活着一个名叫弗林德·洛克伍德的青年,他从小就想法多多,热衷各种各样的科学发明,比如不用鞋带的鞋子、能够自动行走的电视、飞行汽车、猴子语言翻译器等。想法虽好,但通常都以失败和灾难告终。母亲生前对他的鼓励令弗林德从不灰心,他屡挫屡勇,在科学发明的天地里自得其乐。不过,老爸再也无法忍受儿子无休止的折腾,他要求弗林德在自家的店里帮忙。与此同时,为了解决当地食物匮乏的问题,弗林德偷偷进行着超级食物机的研究。在最新的尝试中,弗林德毁掉了刚刚揭幕的沙丁鱼乐园,不过他的实验也取得成效。众目睽睽之下,天空下起了令人难以置信的汉堡包雨!一切都变得有趣起来…… Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 《暖暖内含光》 Emotionally withdrawn Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) and unhinged free spirit Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) strike up a relationship on a Long Island Rail Road train from Montauk, New York. They are inexplicably drawn to each other, despite their radically different personalities. Although they apparently do not realize it at the time, Joel and Clementine are in fact former lovers, now separated after having spent two years together. After a nasty fight, Clementine hired the New York City firm Lacuna, Inc. to erase all her memories of their relationship. (The term "lacuna" means a gap or missing part; for instance, lacunar amnesia is a gap in one's memory about a specific event。) Upon discovering this, Joel is devastated and decides to undergo the procedure himself, a process that takes place while he sleeps... 内向沉稳的约尔•巴瑞斯(金•凯瑞 饰)在一次聚会中认识了率真随性的克莱门汀•克罗斯基(凯特•温丝莱特 饰),二人成为情侣。和普通的情侣一样,他们的日子也在甜蜜和争吵中度过。2004年情人节前夕,当约尔精心准备好礼物,为不久前一次争吵找到克莱门汀道歉时,他惊讶地发现,克莱门汀根本都不记得他了。原来冲动的克莱门汀受不了二人交往中争吵的痛苦,到“忘情诊所”,把关于约尔的记忆删除得一干二净。约尔无法原谅克莱门汀的任性,也无法忍受失去她的痛苦,所以他也到了“忘情诊所”,请求医生霍华德博士(汤姆•维尔金森 饰)消除关于克莱门汀的记忆。记忆清除程序开始启动,约尔在自己的记忆中游走,他发现和克莱斯汀一起度过的那些时光,无论是痛苦还是甜蜜,都弥足珍贵,他并不想忘记这个自己深爱的女人。但是,程序一旦启动就无法逆转,约尔只能想尽办法把克莱斯汀藏到记忆最深的地方,那些现实中克莱斯汀本来没有出现过的时间角落,以保存这份爱情…… Pay It Forward
Pay It Forward 《把爱传出去》 Based on a best-selling novel by Catherine Ryan Hyde, and boasting the star-power of three prior Oscar winners--Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, and Haley Joel Osmont--PAY IT FORWARD spins a heartwarming yarn about an eleven-year-old boy who comes up with an utopian idea as a project for school. History teacher Eugene Simenot (Spacey) offers the same ongoing extra-credit assignment he has proffered every year: Come up with an idea that will change the world. However, he expects nothing more from his students than half-hearted efforts that fall far shy of their mark. Simenot is therefore unprepared for precocious, irrepressible Trevor McKinney (played with wide-eyed wonder by Osmont), who conjures up a stunning scheme. Trevor suggests the concept that every person who benefits from someone else's good deed should "pay it forward," instead of paying it back, and in turn offer favors to three other people. The first guinea pig for Trevor's experiment is his overworked, imperfect mom (Helen Hunt) for whom he tries to find a boyfriend... 尤金·赛门特(凯文·斯帕西饰)是一位善于把生活安排得井井有条的社会学教师。阿琳·麦肯尼(海伦·亨特饰)是一位生活拮据的单亲妈妈,为了抚养儿子特维(海利·乔·奥斯蒙特饰)而没命地工作,借酒浇愁是她的唯一“爱好”。这一切在这一天发生了改变,尤金给特维的班级布置了一道特殊家庭作业:让世界变得更美好。特维决心从自己做起,因为他相信做善事一定会有善报,于是他把无家可归的流浪汉请到自己家……在特维的感召下,人们从起初的猜疑、嘲讽逐渐地表示认同,大家惊讶地发现自己在付出爱心的同时,也在得到别人的帮助,这个世界真的可以变得更美好! The Pursuit of Happyness
The Pursuit of Happyness 《当幸福来敲门》 In 1981, in San Francisco, Chris Gardner (Will Smith) invests his family's savings in portable bone-density scanners which he tries to demonstrate and sell to doctors. The investment proves to be a white elephant which financially breaks the family and as a result, his wife Linda (Thandie Newton) leaves him and moves to New York. Their son Christopher (Jaden Smith) remains with his father. While downtown trying to sell one of his scanners, Chris meets a manager for Dean Witter and impresses him by solving a Rubik's Cube during a short cab ride. Chris does not have enough money for the cab fare and flees the cab driver into a subway station where he barely escapes the cab driver but loses one of his bone scanners in the process. This new relationship with the Dean Witter manager earns him the chance to become an intern stockbroker... Concluding his internship, Chris is called into a meeting with his managers. His work has paid off and he is offered the position. Fighting back tears, he rushes to his son's daycare, hugging him. They walk down the street, joking with each other and are passed by a man in a business suit (the real Chris Gardner in a cameo). The epilogue reveals that Chris went on to form his own multi-million dollar brokerage firm. 已近而立之年的克里斯·加德纳(威尔·史密斯),在28岁的时候才第一次见到自己的父亲,所以当时他下定决心在有了孩子之后,要给孩子做一个好爸爸。但他事业不顺,生活潦倒,只能每天奔波于各大医院,靠卖骨密度扫描仪为生。他偶然间认识到做证券经纪人并不一定需要大学生文凭,而只要懂数字和人际关系。于是他就主动去找维特证券的经理Jay twistle。凭借自己的执着和非凡的妙语,以及一个小小的魔方的帮助下,克里斯·加德纳得到了一个实习的机会。但是实习生有20人,他们必须无薪工作六个月,最后只能有一个人录用,这对克里斯·加德纳来说实在是难上加难。这时,妻子因为不能忍受穷苦的生活,独自去了纽约,克里斯·加德纳和儿子也因为极度的贫穷而失去了自己的住所,过着东奔西跑的生活。他一边卖骨密度扫描仪,一边作实习生,后来还必须去教堂排队,争取得到教堂救济的住房。他看尽白眼,与儿子躲在地铁站里的公共厕所里,住在教堂的收容所里……但是克里斯·加德纳一直很乐观,并且教育儿子,不要灰心。 网友评论