
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月15日 15:09   沪江英语

  Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver

  The spouses terminated their 25-year marriage in May after Shriver learned that Schwarzenegger had fathered an illegitimate child with their maid, Mildred "Patty" Baena. Two months later, Shriver -- who has four kids with the former California governor -- officially filed for divorce。


Bradley Cooper and Renee ZellwegerBradley Cooper and Renee Zellweger

  After nearly two years, the Case 39 costars broke up in March -- thanks to Cooper's career ambitions. "If I had to pick any possible mistress it would be Brad's career," a source told Us. "He worked really hard to get into leading man status."


Elisabetta Canalis and George ClooneyElisabetta Canalis and George Clooney

  The actor and his Italian actress/model girlfriend split in June. "It's very difficult and very personal," they told Us in a statement. "When it comes to love, I am a doormat," Canalis later admitted. "I'm looking for men who can give me security."


Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor SwiftJake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift

  The twosome split over New Year's -- and Swift was completely blindsided. "It was a 180-degree turn and so out of the blue," one source told Us. Said another insider: "Jake just told her it wasn't working out."


Jessica Biel and Justin TimberlakeJessica Biel and Justin Timberlake

  The A-list couple dated for four years before breaking up in March. "The two remain friends and continue to hold the highest level of love and respect for each other," their reps told Us in a joint statement. The New Year's Eve actress and Timberlake rekindled the flame four months later。


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