真正的猛男:为一顿霸王餐跳下55层楼(图)![]() Men ditch tab by jumping off building 四男子高楼跳伞逃避付餐钱 It was a dine-and-dash thrill for daredevils。 这是四名“超胆侠”的“霸王餐”冒险。 After cocktails at one of Melbourne’s most prestigious restaurants, four men ditched the bill by parachuting off the building, the Herald Sun reported。 据澳大利亚《先驱太阳报》报道,在墨尔本最高级的饭店享用过鸡尾酒后,四名男子从高楼上跳伞逃走以逃避买单。 The men leapt 55 stories from the Rialto Towers, after ordering a round of negronis at the exclusive Vue de monde restaurant on Tuesday night。 周二晚上,这四名男子在豪华的Vue de monde餐厅点过一轮内格罗尼酒后,从丽爱图塔(Rialto Towers)55层纵身跃下。 “Basically, four guys came upstairs with parachutes hidden underneath their jackets,” restaurant owner Shannon Bennett told the Herald Sun。 “基本的事实是,四个家伙上楼时把降落伞藏在他们的夹克里了。”餐厅老板贝内特告诉《先驱太阳报》记者。 Bennett explained how, one by one, the man left the bar to go to the restroom, where they changed outfits and then regrouped on the venue’s balcony。 贝内特解释了四个人怎样一个接一个离开酒吧,进入洗手间换好行头,然后在Venue餐厅的阳台上重新会合的过程。 “I ran from the kitchen into the room and I just saw a flash of them jumping over, and at that stage none of us knew what the hell was going on,” he said。 “我从厨房跑过来,只看见他们坠落的身影一闪而过,那个时候,我们谁也不知道这到底是怎么回事。”他说。 The four apparently climbed over a plastic barrier and jumped from the skyscraper, the second-tallest building in Melbourne, according to Australia's 7News。 四名“超胆侠”看来是翻过了一道塑料护栏才从这座摩天大楼跳下——按照澳大利亚《第七新闻报》的说法,它是墨尔本的第二高楼。 The men, who were all dressed in business suits, reportedly had a getaway car waiting for them when they landed. Bennett told the Herald Sun he ran downstairs and tried to catch them。 四名男子当时都穿着商务套装,据报道,当他们着陆时还有一辆汽车等待接应。贝内特告诉《先驱太阳报》记者自己曾跑下楼去试图抓住他们。 “I was just too late — they were really quick at what they were doing,” he said. “It was very well planned and they’ve obviously done this sort of stuff before。” “我到得实在太晚——他们行动太快了,”贝内特说。“一切都按部就班,他们之前肯定干过这样的事。” 7News notes that it’s not the first case of base jumping from the Rialto Towers。 《第七新闻报》称,这并不是丽爱图塔发生的第一次跳伞事件。 A former base jumper, Damian Hansen said he understands why the men did it, having made the same jump 24 years ago。 曾经的跳伞爱好者,24年前完成相同一跳的达米安·汉森说,他能理解为什么这些人要这样做。 “The feeling — it's so exciting jumping off the Rialto,” he told 7News。“ 那种感觉——从丽爱图塔上跳伞的感觉真是太刺激了。”他告诉《第七新闻报》记者。 Police are trying to catch the men using surveillance video of the jump。 警方正通过监控录像提供的线索试图追捕这四名男子。 网友评论