不能直视的真相:二氧化碳导致“全球变肥” CO2 in the atmosphere is being blamed for global warming issues -- but could it be behind the population's march towards obesity? [Agencies]
Danish research shows that CO2 emissions could be making us fat, the Daily Mail reported。 The increase in obese people in Denmark is roughly equivalent to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere。 Researcher Lars-Georg Hersoug said: "The normal theory is that fat people get fatter because they don't move as much as they should. But the study showed that thin people also get fatter, and this happened over the whole of the 22-year period of the study." 二氧化碳排放致肥胖 据英国《每日邮报》报道,丹麦研究发现,空气中二氧化碳排放会导致我们变胖。 丹麦日益增长的肥胖人口大致符合空气中二氧化碳增加的情况。 科学家拉丝-乔治·赫尔索称:“通常的理论是,胖子变胖是因为没达到应有的运动量。但这项研究表明,瘦子也在变胖,并且在他研究的22年中都是如此。” 网友评论