盘点明星穿衣的昨天与今天:米歇尔-威廉姆斯MICHELLE WILLIAMS
米歇尔·威廉姆斯 2000: Befitting her breakout role on Dawson's Creek, the actress rocked a midriff-baring top and low-slung trousers at the 2000 If These Walls Could Talk 2 premiere。 2000:为契合《恋爱时代》的成功角色,这位女演员露脐上衣低腰长裤出现在2000年《如果墙壁会说话2》的首映式上。 Now: It was quite the contrast from her My Week with Marilyn promo tour wardrobe, which was all about high necklines, full skirts and retro Hollywood glamour, like this Alexander McQueen gown。 现在:她为《我与梦露的一周》做宣传时穿的高领宽下摆长裙——复古式好莱坞魅力装,就像这款亚力山大。麦昆礼服,与过去的着装对比鲜明。 REESE WITHERSPOON
REESE WITHERSPOON 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 1991: She's always been adorable! For her first film role at age 15, The Man in the Moon, she had fun with a floral top, cowboy boots and prom-ready tendrils。 1991:她总是那么可爱!为出演的第一部影片《月亮里的人》暖场时,15岁的瑞茜穿嵌花小上衣、踩牛仔皮靴,还有为毕业舞会而特意留出一缕小卷毛,看起来开心极了。 Now: Twenty-one years later, Reese still loves a good floral appliqué (as seen on her Giambattista Valli dress at the This Means War premiere), though she's updated the hair and shoes。 现在:21年之后,虽然瑞茜改变了发型,也更新了鞋款,但对嵌花小上衣(《这意味着战争》首映式上詹巴迪斯塔. 瓦利礼服)的爱依然不变。 EMILY BLUNT
EMILY BLUNT 艾米莉·布朗特 2006: Contrasting her hot-pink spaghetti-strap dress with lace accents, pulled-back hair and sparkly mules, Emily's Devil Wears Prada premiere look was cute but not yet A-list ready。 2006:吊带细如意大利面条般的艳粉色镶边连衣裙、后梳的刘海、耀眼的舞台鞋,艾米莉在《穿普拉达的女王》首映式上看起来很可爱,但有些不入流。 Now: For the Salmon Fishing in the Yemen debut, she graduated to the big leagues with a striking Naeem Khan cocktail dress, Gianvito Rossi heels and a sleek bob。 现在:《到也门钓鲑鱼》首映式上,一袭迷人的纳伊。姆汉酒会礼服、一双詹维托。罗西高跟鞋和顺滑的短发把她卷入了时尚大家族。 CHARLIZE THERON
查里兹·赛隆 1996: When you've got a killer body like Charlize, the impulse is to show it off – perhaps in a knit two-piece ensemble, as she did at her 2 Days in the Valley premiere。 1996:当你拥有像查里兹一样的魔鬼身材时,炫一炫的冲动可能会让你选择织物材质两件套,查里兹在《山谷两日》首映式上就是这样穿戴的。 Now: Her figure hasn't changed, but she now displays it in a more style-conscious way – for a Young Adult event, she was stunning and classy in Stella McCartney。 现在:她的身材没变,但着装更有品味。为《青少年》造势时,斯特拉。麦卡特尼的设计使她惊艳全场。 网友评论