
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月26日 13:55   沪江英语


  There's no use crying over spilled yogurt.The yogurt belonging to an enthusiastic college student accidentally got flung on President Obama during a meet and greet in Boulder, Colorado on Tuesday。

  The commander-in-chief was outside the popular restaurant The Sink and about to go into his armored SUV, when the young woman, later identified as Kolby Zerbest, approached him。

  The purple snack hit his pants, which he promptly began wiping off with a napkin that was given to him.The president, however, was not perturbed。“You got me!” Obama joked, adding"Getting yogurt on the president, you've got a story to tell。”

  "I'm very embarrassed," she responded.Zerbest, a sorority sister at the University of Colorado, described the incident on NBC’s “Today,” insisting the paparazzi actually kicked her bowl of yogurt that she had placed on the ground。

  “Technically, it was my fault that I placed it there, but I’m not the one that spilled it on him,” she said。

  Obama mentioned the incident later in the day at a campus event, where he was touting his proposal for low-rate student loans."She got very excited and spilled yogurt on me," Obama said, according to ABC News. "Or hazardously, she spilled yogurt on the Secret Service. The agent just stood there, looking at her."






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