
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月09日 11:27   沪江英语


1.Ed Westwick: Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl Ed Westwick: Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl

  1、Ed Westwick: Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl 艾德•维斯特维克:恰克﹒巴斯——《八卦天后》

  When Ed Westwick purrs, “I’m Chuck Bass” on Gossip Girl, you wouldn’t guess that the 24-year-old actor playing a billionaire Upper East Side playboy actually hails from Stevenage, England。当艾德在《八卦天后》中拽拽地说出“我是恰克﹒巴斯”的时候,我们看到的分明是一个坐拥亿万家产的上东区纨绔子弟,谁会料到这名演员实际上是来自英国的斯蒂文治呢?

Ryan Kwanten: Jason Stackhouse on True BloodRyan Kwanten: Jason Stackhouse on True Blood

  2、Ryan Kwanten: Jason Stackhouse on True Blood 瑞恩﹒科万腾:杰森•斯塔克豪斯——《真爱如血》

  Bon Temps simpleton Jason Stackhouse is already smokin’ (by virtue of his amazing body, not his brains), so Ryan Kwanten’s hot factor only increases when you find out the Sydney-born True Blood actor has a sexy Australian accent in real life。良辰镇的愣头青杰森•斯塔克豪斯已经足够惹火了(当然这是拜他的身材所赐,而非他的智商),因此当你得知这名悉尼出生的《真爱如血》明星瑞恩﹒科万腾在现实生活中拥有一口性感的澳洲口音时,恐怕会觉得他更加火辣了吧!

Stephen Moyer: Bill Compton on True BloodStephen Moyer: Bill Compton on True Blood

  3、Stephen Moyer: Bill Compton on True Blood 斯蒂芬﹒莫耶:比尔•康普顿——《真爱如血》

  Ryan Kwanten isn’t the only True Blood hunk with an accent. Stephen Moyer, who makes us (and Sookie) swoon as vampire Bill Compton on the HBO hit, grew up in Essex, England, and is an alum of the prestigious London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art。瑞恩﹒科万腾不是《真爱如血》中惟一有口音的帅哥。斯蒂芬﹒莫耶饰演的吸血鬼比尔•康普顿在剧中将我们(以及苏琪)迷得七荤八素,而他实际上是在英国埃塞克斯长大的,而且还毕业于声闻名天下的伦敦音乐戏剧艺术学院。

Phoebe Tonkin: Faye Chamberlain on The Secret Circle Phoebe Tonkin: Faye Chamberlain on The Secret Circle

  4、Phoebe Tonkin: Faye Chamberlain on The Secret Circle 菲比•托金:菲伊﹒钱柏林——《秘社》

  Phoebe Tonkin is so bewitching as mean

  girl Faye Chamberlain on The Secret Circle that we often forget the gorgeous actress hails from Down Under. Before the Sydney-born beauty brought her special brand of dark magic to The CW’s latest supernatural drama, she starred on the popular Australian series H2O: Just Add Water。菲比•托金在《秘社》中饰演的坏女孩菲伊如此魅力四射,以至于我常常忘记这名迷人的女演员实际上是来自澳洲。在这位悉尼出生的美人带着她独有的黑魔法加盟CW电视台的超自然新剧之前,她曾参演过广受欢迎的澳剧《美人鱼》。

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