盘点美剧十大口音帝:《复仇》丹尼尔-格雷森Josh Bowman: Daniel Grayson on Revenge
5、Josh Bowman: Daniel Grayson on Revenge 乔什﹒鲍曼:丹尼尔﹒格雷森——《复仇》 American aristocrat Daniel Grayson, the reluctantly privileged spawn of Hamptons royalty Conrad and Victoria Grayson, is played by a Brit, guys. Before landing his breakout role on the ABC primetime soap Revenge, Josh Bowman was a rugby star across the pond. The handsome 24-year-old actor grew up in Berkshire, England.Rugby, it does the body good。美国高帅富丹尼尔﹒格雷森是汉普顿贵族康拉德和维多利亚﹒格雷森的继承人(尽管他并不太情愿),然而这名角色却是由一位英国小伙子扮演的。在加盟ABC电视台黄金时段肥皂剧《复仇》并实现自己的突破性演出之前,乔什﹒鲍曼是大洋彼岸的一名橄榄球明星。这位24岁的帅气演员在英格兰伯克郡长大。至于橄榄球,这绝对为他那健美的身材做出了不少贡献! Hugh Laurie: Dr. Gregory House on House M.D。
6、Hugh Laurie: Dr. Gregory House on House M.D. 休﹒劳瑞:格利高里•豪斯——《豪斯医生》 Hugh Laurie’s American accent as cantankerous Dr. House on the FOX medical drama of the same name is so spot on that we were blown away when we found out he’s actually from Oxford, England. Our off-the-wall diagnosis? Mad talent.What are we going to do when Hugh hangs up his stethoscope at the end of the show’s current — and final — season?休﹒劳瑞在福克斯电视台的医务剧中扮演脾气暴躁的豪斯医生。他说得一口无懈可击的美式英语,因此当我们发现他其实是来自英国牛津时,不禁对他佩服得五体投地。再加上那些独辟蹊径的诊断,他真不愧是一名鬼才!唉,当剧集完结,休永远地收起他的听诊器的时候,我们该怎么办呐! Tammin Sursok: Jenna Marshall on Pretty Little Liars
7、Tammin Sursok: Jenna Marshall on Pretty Little Liars 塔姆茵•瑟斯沃克:詹娜•马歇尔——《美少女的谎言》 Pretty Little Liars actress Tammin Sursok was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, but spent her formative years in Sydney, Australia. Long before donning sunglasses for the mysterious role of Jenna, Tammin starred on the mega-popular Australian soap opera Home and Away from 1999 to 2004.《美少女的谎言》演员塔姆茵•瑟斯沃克出生于南非约翰内斯堡,早年生活在澳大利亚的悉尼。在她戴上墨镜、扮演詹娜这一神秘角色之前,塔姆茵曾参演红透半边天的澳大利亚肥皂剧《Home and Away》,从1999年一直持续到2004年。 网友评论