盘点美剧十大口音帝:《超感神探》派翠克-简![]() 8、Damian Lewis: Nicholas Brody on Homeland 戴米恩•刘易斯:尼古拉斯﹒布罗迪——《国土安全》 Damian Lewis may play a U.S. Marine — Sergeant Nicholas Brody — on Homeland, but he’s English through and through. The grandson of Lord Mayor of London Ian Frank Bowater, the 41-year-old actor grew up in London and attended some of England’s finest schools. Blimey!戴米恩•刘易斯在《国土安全》中扮演美国海军军官尼古拉斯﹒布罗迪中士,然而他却是个彻头彻尾的英国人。作为伦敦市长伊安﹒弗兰克﹒伯瓦尔的孙子,这名41岁的演员在伦敦长大,并且曾在英国的几所顶尖名校中学习。哎呀呀,真想不到! ![]() 9、Anna Torv: Olivia Dunham on Fringe 安娜﹒托芙:奥利维亚•德纳姆——《迷离档案》 Anna Torv is yet another Australian beauty on the small screen. The blond actress has investigated bizarre happenings as uber-driven FBI agent Olivia Dunham on Fringe since 2008 — but her carefully honed American accent is no sci-fi mystery。安娜﹒托芙是美剧荧屏上的又一名澳洲美人。自08年起,这名金发演员便在《迷离档案》中扮演雷厉风行的FBI探员奥利维亚•德纳姆,调查各种奇异事件。不过她那经过精心雕琢的美式发音可不是什么神秘谜团哦。 ![]() 10、Simon Baker: Patrick Jane on The Mentalist 西蒙﹒贝克:派翠克•简——《超感神探》 Simon Baker shows no signs of an accent as homicide investigation consultant Patrick Jane on The Mentalist, a role he’s played since 2008. We’re not the only ones who think the Aussie hunk is spot-on: He’s been nominated for an Emmy Award, a Golden Globe, and a SAG Award for his work on the show。西蒙﹒贝克自08年起便在美剧《超感神探》中饰演谋杀案顾问派翠克•简,在剧中他的真实口音无迹可寻!不单单只有我们认同这名澳洲帅哥无懈可击的表现:他在剧中的出色表演曾获得过艾美奖、金球奖以及影视演员协会奖提名! 网友评论