重磅新闻:巨猫还在成长有望称霸世界(图)Larger than life: Natalie Chettle holds her mother's giant cat Rupert over her head.
At three times the size of the average cat, most would think that giant pet Rupert has done enough growing for now. But the super-sized feline, who at 9kg can claim to be one of the world's biggest cats, is only half grown and set to gain more weight, the Daily Mail reported。 A three-time cat of the year in his native Australia, Rupert is said by cat competition judges to be among the biggest Maine coon domestic cats they have ever seen。 据英国《每日邮报》报道,猫咪鲁珀特的体型足有一般猫咪的三倍,堪称世界上巨型猫之一。很多人觉得它现在已经长的差不多了,其实这只9公斤的巨型猫才长了一半而已,其体重还会继续增加。 据悉,鲁珀特三次获评澳大利亚“年度猫咪”,评委们说鲁珀特是他们所见过的最大的家养缅因猫之一。 网友评论