
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月12日 18:41   沪江英语

  5. I have nothing to wear!


  Girls have this annoying habit of deciding what to wear! Their closet is full of clothes, shoes, jewelry and they are like calling their boyfriends or best friends crying and say “I have nothing to wear!” or “I just don’t know what to wear”. Well you know this thing normally happens because girls usually think that they should not be wearing anything twice! As her friends or other girls have seen it already! This is totally insane and irritating!

  就算衣柜里塞满衣服、鞋子、首饰,她们还是会跟好友或男友抱怨 “没衣服穿!” 或“不知道穿哪件好!” 在她们看来,一件衣服就不该重复穿。别人都看她穿过了,哪还有新鲜感!——这习惯实在令人气恼。

  4. Cutting in Line


  Even there is a huge board placed at a place saying “Wait for your turn!” or there is a queue of people standing, but these women actually do push people and cut in line, may be they consider it their right to do such thing and yeah! The worst part, they actually make a lot of excuses after doing it。


  3. Driving


  Without looking at the person sitting on a driving seat, you can easily say “it is a woman driving!” Yeah because women drive so slowly and their every move is so confusing that you easily know who the driver is. I don’t get it why are they scared to step a little harder on the accelerator? I swear it won’t break!



  2. Gossiping


  A girl just came back from shopping, or she bought a new pair of shoes or she had a haircut, or she had a fight with her boyfriend, here goes the phone call to her best friends and the gossip starts. It starts with “Hey you know!” and it goes off when they are tired. And when you just look at a girl’s expression when she is taking, it is a mixture of shock, irritating laughter, sad faces and so many other expressions。


  1. Do I look FAT!


  Every girl has this irritating habit of asking their boyfriends “do I look fat” and you reply “no you look ok!” and they are like “What! do I look just OK to you? That means I am fat!” Yeah! This is irritating, they look ok but still they think they are fat and that actually irritate the hell out of a man!


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