
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月19日 10:12   沪江英语

  When it comes to keeping slim, it's not just humans that struggle. Whether it's through a thoughtless owner, a health problem or a pure freak of nature, critters across the animal kingdom can pile on the pounds。



  1) Cassie the dog


  This poor pooch looks ready to collie-apse. Cassie, seven, was fed on a human diet which saw her balloon to more than 9st. Her lonely, elderly owner treated her as a best friend and the pals dined together on takeaways and Sunday roasts。


  A Dogs Trust centre took Cassie in when the lady fell ill last year - putting her on a new diet and fitness regime. And now clever Cassie has lost half her body weight and is back to her bounding healthiest。



  2) A Californian squirrel


  You'd be nuts to keep feeding this furry fella - but tourists in California are still leaving food for the tubby squirrel. Snapper Marina van der Linden spotted the huge critter on a visit to Morro Rock State Preserve, near Santa Barbara。

  要是看到这张照片,你还有掏出坚果喂这只肥仔的冲动的话——你一定是疯了。但是来加州的游客们仍然一见它就喂食。照片的拍摄者Marina van der Linden是在摩洛岩石保护区(圣巴巴拉市附近)看到这只巨大生物的。

  She said: "I got out a bag of peanuts and suddenly I saw a family of squirrels. "It was hilarious because they were all quite big but there was one that was enormous. I think it’s because they get well fed by tourists."



  3) Oshine the orangutan


  Swing from tree to tree? You have gut to be kidding. Oshine the overweight orangutan loved gorging on sweets, jelly and marshmallows at home in South Africa。


  She had been raised since a baby by a well-meaning couple with no clue about her regular diet - leaving her double her natural weight at over 15st。


  But now keepers at her new home of Monkey World in Dorset have put the lass on a diet of fruit and veg. She looks really chuffed about that, eh?


刺猬Roly Poly刺猬Roly Poly

  4) Roly Poly the hedgehog

  刺猬Roly Poly

  Putting the hog in hedgehog, Roly Poly tips the scales at a whopping 2kg - over three times the average weight for his kind。

  作为一只刺猬(或者该叫成“刺猪”?),Roly Poly足足有2公斤重。这是正常体重的三倍。

  Roly ballooned in size after gorging on cat food left out by well-meaning retired couple in Somerset. But now the porky-pine has been put on a strict diet at a local animal rescue centre。

  Roly的发福要归功于萨默赛特郡一对好心的退休夫妇,他们留给它一袋猫粮,于是Roly边狼吞虎咽边吃成了一只刺球。不过如今这只“刺猪” 在当地的动物收容所中吃着严格的减肥餐。

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