哥们儿你该减肥啦:围观Youtube的胖金鱼![]() 5) Darius the bunny 兔子Darius Ears something you don't see every day! Darius the Continental Giant is 4ft 4in and weighs a whopping three-and-a-half stone。 这可不是你每天都能看到的场景!这只堪称陆地巨兽的兔子Darius有4英尺4英寸长(约1.3米),以及足足3.5英石重(约22.2公斤)! The Guinness world record holder, from Worcester, munches through 12 carrots, six apples and two cabbages a day. And he snacks on hay throughout the day too。 这只来自Worcester的吉尼斯纪录保持者每天要吃12根胡萝卜,6只苹果和2只卷心菜,此外还有全天的干草小食以供消遣磨牙。 ![]() 6) The goldfish on YouTube 一只来自Youtube的金鱼 THIS chunky goldfish is off the scale! Thanks to a problem with his intestines, the blubbery bubble-blower could barely stay afloat as he piled on the pounds。 这条圆滚滚的金鱼绝对体重超标了!真得“感谢”它的奇异肠胃啊,这条肥硕的金鱼已经渐渐胖得连浮都浮不起来了。 YouTube user Tipownsyou uploaded the crazy clip of his eight-year-old pet in January 2007. He has since come back to update the video with the sad news that the little fella has died。 2007年1月,youtube上一位名叫Tipownsyou的用户上传了这段疯狂的视频。它是他养了8年的宠物。然而后来他更新了这个视频,告诉了我们一个悲伤的消息:这个小家伙去世了。 ![]() 7) A spider monkey in Tennessee 一只来自田纳西州的蜘蛛猿 A lad of four in Tennessee, USA, discovered this portly spider monkey in his garden in 2009. 一位来自美国田纳西州的4岁小男孩在他家花园发现了这只胖乎乎的蜘蛛猿。 Elijah Gutierrez told his mum they had a visitor and she called Animal Control。 这个名叫Elijah Gutierrez的小男孩告诉他妈妈家里来了客人,于是孩子母亲给动物控制中心打了电话。 The porky primate - a household pet - was then returned to his owners. They insist they can't part 'Clyde' from his favourite Italian snacks。 这只肥胖的灵长类动物是某家人的宠物,它很快被物归原主。它的主人坚持表示他们不能让Clyde(蜘蛛猿的名字)和它的最爱—意大利零食分开。 ![]() 8) Bandit the raccoon 浣熊Bandit When Pepper Klitsch saved an abandoned baby raccoon back in May 1996, she feared he wouldn't last the week。 1996年的5月,Pepper Klitsch解救了一只被遗弃的浣熊幼仔。当时她担心它可能活不到一周。 But the animal rescue expert, from Pennsylvania, USA, was in for a BIG surprise - 'Bandit' thrived in her care and began to gain weight fast。 但是这位美国宾夕法尼亚州的动物救援专家很快就惊喜地发现——Bandit不仅在她的关怀下活了下来,而且体重在迅速增加。 Born without a thyroid - essential for controlling the metabolism of food - Bandit broke the world record for fattest raccoon four times. Just before his death in 2006, he weighed 5st 9lbs - six times the size of an average raccoon。 Bandit生来没有甲状腺。甲状腺是一种调节食物代谢的必需器官。Bandit曾四次打破“世界最肥浣熊”纪录。在2006年,Bandit去世之前,它的体重为5英石9磅(约35.8公斤)——这是一只正常浣熊体重的6倍。 网友评论