印度悲剧男因家中无厕所致新娘落跑(图)![]() A young woman, who ran away from her in-laws’ house for its lack of toilet, returned Wednesday — to the same house with an ultra-modern toilet and a reward of Rs.2 lakh from Sulabh International. With her were two other women who too had similarly walked out from their in-laws’ houses。 因不堪忍受户外如厕而逃离的印度新娘普里扬卡·巴蒂,终于在上周三回到了夫家。梦想终于实现,婚房内建起了“先进”的厕所,并且她还得到了印度卫生慈善机构苏拉布颁发的3600美元奖金。和巴蒂的创举一起,另有两名妇女也同样“离家出走”,以示抗议。 Priyanka Bharti was mobbed as she arrived decked up like a bride for her ‘gauna’ ceremony to her Vishnupur Khurd village in a sports utility vehicle (SUV)。 当日,巴蒂乘坐越野车抵达北方邦维什努珀库尔德村。如新娘一般盛装打扮的她在抵达时受到了热烈欢迎。 Amidst blowing of conch shells and ‘aarti’, tears rolled down her cheeks as she was ushered in by her in-laws and shown the new toilet and bathroom。 螺声不绝,欢呼缭绕,巴蒂在丈夫的引领下见到了崭新的厕所和浴室,顿时泪水潸然而下。 Later, she along with the two other ‘runaway brides’ - Priyanka Kumari from Siddharthanagar and Jyoti from Sant Kabeernagar - and Bindeshwar Pathak, the founder of sanitation NGO Sulabh International, took centre stage in an enclosure。 之后,她和另外两位“落跑新娘”——来自锡陀塔那迦的普里扬卡·库马丽和来自圣卡贝尔娜迦的约媞,以及苏拉布组织的创始人班德什瓦·帕塔克成为了社会的焦点。 Priyanka narrated to the gathered villagers, numbering around 500, how she took the “extreme and difficult” step of walking out of her husband’s home because she was asked to defecate in the open. “It was not possible for me to do so and so I ran away,” she told the crowd amid applause。 500多名村民聚集一处,静静聆听巴蒂的叙述。她谈到,正是因为她不堪忍受户外如厕,才会顶着极端的困难险阻,毅然离开了夫家。“我绝不能接受户外如厕,所以我选择离开,”她的话赢得阵阵掌声。 A Class 12 student from Maharajganj, 365 km from Lucknow, said the lack of a toilet in the house was “a big challenge” for her at the “sasural”. She said she mustered enough courage to run away on the third night after her ‘gauna’ — the traditional induction of a bride married in childhood into her in-laws’ house。 巴蒂来自距离勒克瑙365公里外的马哈拉干,刚从高中毕业。她表示缺少室内厕所成为她嫁入婆家后需要面对的“巨大挑战”。婚礼本应是新娘正式成人融入夫家的传统仪式,而她却在婚后第三晚鼓起了足够勇气选择离开。 (小编注:印度的学制和我们中国不同,印度的12年级大约就是我们的高三。) Talking to IANS, Priyanka said ever since she ran away from Vishunpur Khurd April 13 demanding that her in-laws build a toilet to get their ‘bahu’ back, her life changed as she attracted national and international attention。 她4月13日逃离了夫家,要求建立室内厕所,否则绝不回去。在交谈中巴蒂告诉大家,那以后,她成为了国内和国际关注的中心,生活从此发生改变。 “I’m happy that by the construction of a new toilet with all modern facilities, I’m back with my husband and can live happily,” she said, as photographers jostled to take her picture with her in-laws。 “有了新厕所和各种先进的设备,我很开心。我随我丈夫回来,以后能够一起幸福地生活下去了,” 摄像师为他们夫妇拍照时,她这么说。 Bindeshwar Pathak felicitated each of the three brides with the bank draft of Rs.2 lakh, a shawl, a saree and a rose-sandalwood garland, and said that from now on, they would “try in their own humble ways to educate women around them the need of hygiene and sanitation。” 班德什瓦·帕塔克给她们三个每人颁发了3600美元奖金,并赠送了围巾,纱丽和玫瑰白檀交织的花环。他说,从此以后,他们将“不遗余力地教导周围的夫人,让她们了解卫生意识和卫生设备的必要性。” Priyanka’s husband, Amarjeet, whom she married in 2007, said he appreciated what his wife did. “All through these years I saw my sisters, my mother go out in the field every morning but it never occurred to me how shameful it was, until my wife stressed on it by running away,” he told IANS。 巴蒂的丈夫阿马尔吉特表示很欣赏妻子的作为。 “长久以来,每天清晨,我都看着我的姐妹,母亲去野外解决如厕的问题,可是我从不以此为耻。而妻子的逃离让我警醒并直面这一点。”他告诉记者。 Pathak, while appreciating the efforts of the three women announced a reward of Rs.25 lakh for the Vishnupur Khurd village for being the promoters of communal harmony and taking lead in the battle against poor sanitation in the villages。 帕塔克不仅颁发奖金以示赞赏,同时称来自北邦村庄的她们为社会和谐的开拓者,勇于和卫生恶习发起战斗。 He said Sulabh would now undertake a new rural-centric drive “Sulabh-Gaon Ki Or。” 他还说苏布拉现在将以乡村为中心,开展一项新的运动“苏布拉-加文卫生行动”。 “By revolting against non-availability of a toilet, this woman has done a revolutionary act in India where more than 660 million people still defecate in the open, leading to serious diseases,” he said。 “她们抗议厕所缺失的行动,在印度是革命性的。在那里,仍有超过6.6亿的人口在户外如厕,面临严重的疾病威胁。” 网友评论