Just in time for co-founder Chris Hughes to tie the knot, Facebook unveiled two new cake topper icons so same-sex couples can declare their marriage status。 恰逢联合创始人克里斯·休斯与同性男友完婚之际,Facebook针对同性结婚又推出两组新的婚姻状态图标。 Mr Hughes, who set up the social network with Harvard pal Mark Zuckerberg, and new husband Sean Eldridge were among the first to use the brand new symbols to update their relationship status on the weekend。 休斯与其哈佛校友马克·扎克伯格共同创建了Facebook,而在本周,休斯和新婚夫婿塞恩·埃尔德雷吉则是首批利用该组新图标的用户之一,他们在Facebook上更新了自己的婚姻状态。 New York's gay power couple got married on Saturday at their $5 million Garrison, New York, estate before hosting a lavish reception at Cipriani Wall Street for some 400 guests, including Mr Zuckerberg and new wife Priscilla。 这对同性恋人周六耗资500百万美元在纽约加里森成婚,他们在Cipriani Wall街举办了400人的婚宴,邀请了包括扎克伯格及其新婚妻子普里西拉在内的众多宾客出席。 休斯与塞恩就在Facebook上更新了同性婚姻的身份图标
Shortly after the event, the pair had matching gay marriage symbols adorning their Facebook timelines。 婚宴结束后,休斯与塞恩就在Facebook上更新了同性婚姻的身份图标。 Homosexual Facebook users have been able to select 'In a Civil Union' or 'In a Domestic Partnership' as their relationship status since February last year but this is the first they have been able to pick an icon for marriage. Gay and Lesbian groups have applauded the move。 Facebook同性用户自去年2月起,即可选择“公民伴侣”或“同性关系”来表示其婚姻关系状态,但使用图标更新还实属首次。同性恋群体为该项举措拍手称好。 A number of anti-gay Facebook users have expressed outrage at the new symbols, proposing a boycott on the page of One Million Moms - an anti-gay offshoot of the American Family Association。 不少反同性恋的Facebook用户对该组新图标的出现表示愤慨,他们在美国家庭联盟的一个反同性恋分支组织——One Million Moms(OMM)的主页上提出要抵制这一切。 The organisation uses Facebook heavily to promote its cause but users including Mike Masoncupp posted a link to a press report of the change on OMM's wall, stating 'Yes boycott Facebook'。 该组织充分利用了Facebook的渠道来自我推广,可包括麦克·梅森卡普在内的用户们却在OMM的主页上发布了简报链接,宣称“抵制Facebook”。 网友评论