揭秘最靠谱“相亲”法则:用鼻子嗅出真爱![]() Is it possible to sniff your way to love? Singles who have attended so-called "pheromone parties" haven't ruled out the merits of olfactory attraction, AP reported。 The get-togethers -- which have been held in New York and Los Angeles and are planned for other cities -- ask guests to submit a slept-in T-shirt that will be smelled by other participants. Then, you can pick your partner based on scent。 It also has a root in science. Researchers have shown that humans can use scent to sort out genetic combinations that could lead to weaker offspring。 嗅出真爱,这可能吗?据美联社报道,现如今单身男女并不排除嗅觉吸引力,开始参加一种名为“费洛蒙派对”的聚会活动。 美国纽约、洛杉矶等地已经举办过这种聚会,组织者也计划把它推广到其它城市。参加者必须带一件睡觉时穿过的T恤,然后,让其他人随意来嗅。你可以通过气味来选出“合鼻缘”的约会对象。 其实,这也是有科学根据的。科学家发现,人类天生可凭对一个人体味的喜恶,辨别对方是否基因欠佳,无益于繁衍后代。 网友评论