离婚不掉价:阿汤哥成好莱坞最赚钱男星![]() There's definitely a bright side for Tom Cruise on his 50th birthday Tuesday. Although the Rock of Ages star is reeling from wife Katie Holmes' shocking Thursday divorce filing -- he took an early-morning flight from a movie set in Iceland to California -- Forbes has a very nice birthday present for him. The magazine and website named Cruise the highest-paid actor in Hollywood over the past 12 months。 Between May 2011 and May 2012, Cruise earned a whopping $75 million -- putting him $38 million ahead of second-place finishers Leonardo DiCaprio and Holmes' Jack and Jill costar Adam Sandler, both who made an estimated $37 million during the same period, Forbes reports。 (Although Rock of Ages was a box office disappointment, Cruise's Mission: Impossible -- Ghost Protocol netted $700 million worldwide, with the actor getting a piece of the profits, according to Forbes。) Cruise's enduring box office clout and growing fortune are sure to play a major factor in his divorce battle with Holmes, 33. He is presently worth an estimated $250 million, while Holmes is worth $25 million. Although the spouses of five years signed a prenuptial agreement, Holmes also requested a "suitable amount" of child support for daughter Suri, 6 -- world-famous for her high-priced tot's wardrobe。 《福布斯》杂志公布了2011-2012年度好莱坞最赚钱男星榜单。婚姻再度搁浅的阿汤哥在50岁这一年迎来了事业的又一颠峰,他凭借《碟中谍4》强势归来,以7500万美元的年收入华丽夺冠,远远超过并列第二的莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥和亚当·桑德勒。动作明星道恩·强森凭借《速度与激情5》加速度升到第四。 莱昂纳多屈居第二,他主演的传记片《胡佛》在票房和奥斯卡双双失利,但这并不影响小李的高片酬地位。2012年《被解放的迪亚戈》、《了不起的盖茨比》等大片在手,说不定明年小李会重回榜首。并列第二的亚当·桑德勒则面临叫座不叫好的尴尬。2011年的《杰克与吉尔》在狂揽1.5亿票房的同时,也收获了10项金酸梅奖。排名第五的本·斯蒂勒则要幸运的多。《拜见岳父大人》《博物馆奇妙夜》系列票房口碑双收,其担当配音的动画片《马达加斯加》系列全球狂揽16亿美元。 榜单上还包括“杰克船长”约翰尼·德普,以R级喜剧《泰迪熊》搏出位的马克·沃尔伯格,以《黑衣人3》归来的威尔·史密斯,“小狼人”泰勒·洛特纳等。 Forbes' top 10 highest earning actors from May 2011 to May 2012: 1 - Tom Cruise 2 = Leonardo DiCaprio 2 = Adam Sandler 4 - Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson 5 - Ben Stiller 6 - Sacha Baron Cohen 7 - Johnny Depp 8 - Will Smith 9 - Mark Wahlberg 10 - Taylor Lautner 网友评论