
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月03日 15:44   国际在线

  By the 1990s Tom Cruise was one of the highest paid actors in the world, earning an average of 15 million dollars a picture. In 1993, Cruise picked up more critical praise as a young lawyer in thriller 'The Firm'。

  到1990年,汤姆·克鲁斯已经成为世界上片酬最高的男演员之一,每部作品大约赚1500万美元。1993年,克鲁斯因在 惊悚片《糖衣陷阱》饰演一名年轻的律师而赢得评论界的广泛赞誉。


  In 1994 Cruise starred alongside Brad Pitt and a (very) young Kirsten Dunst in 'Interview with the Vampire', where a vampire tells his epic life story of love, betrayal, and hunger。

  1994年,克鲁斯与布拉德·皮特及年轻的克里斯汀·邓斯特一道,出演了《夜访吸血鬼》,影片讲述了吸血鬼关于爱、背叛 和饥渴的传奇一生。


  Cruise and wife Nicole Kidman starred alongside each other again in the controversial sexual conspiracy thriller 'Eyes Wide Shut' in 1999, the last film by legendary director Stanley Kubrick。

  1999年,克鲁斯与妻子尼克·基德曼共同出演了颇受争议的情色阴谋惊悚片《大开眼戒》,这也是传奇导演斯坦利·库布 里克的最后一部电影。


  In 2001 Cruise played a publisher who finds his life taking a turn for the surreal in 'Vanilla Sky', starring alongside Cameron Diaz and new love interest Penelope Cruz. Tom and wife Nicole announced their separation during the filming。

  2001年,克鲁斯在电影《香草天空》中饰演一名发现自己生活不再真实的出版商,和卡梅隆·迪亚兹及新恋人佩内洛普· 克鲁兹合作。在电影拍摄期间汤姆和尼克分道扬镳。


  In 2010, Cruise again partnered with his 'Vanilla Sky' co-star Cameron Diaz in action flick 'Knight and Day'。



  在最新电影《摇滚时代》中,汤姆·克鲁斯扮演一名八十年代的摇滚巨星。他在影片中再一次证明了他不是靠脸蛋吃饭的, 《摇滚时代》是一部歌舞剧,剧中所有的演唱都由阿汤哥独挑大梁。

  In Tom Cruise's latest film, 'Rock of Ages' - out now - he plays 80s Rock star Stacee Jaxx. Once again he's showing he's not just a pretty face - the film's a musical, and he's doing all his own singing!

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