超萌痞痞小松鼠享受生活:打伞吃零食(图)![]() A cheeky squirrel found a novelty way of keeping his food dry: he used an umbrella。 英国一只松鼠为保持自己的食物干燥找到了一种新方法——雨伞。 The rodent couldn’t believe his luck when he got his paws on a tiny umbrella left out for the birds to keep their food dry and he quickly put it above his head to keep him and the birdseeds dry。 这只小松鼠很幸运的发现一把为小鸟食物遮雨的小雨伞,于是乎它把雨伞举到了自己的头上,小松树身边还有一些鸟食。 Unabashed he then went on to eat the seeds left out for the birds in a Hampshire garden whilst the rain poured down。 脸皮颇厚厚的小松鼠在汉普郡的这座花园里开始吃鸟儿们剩下的食物,此时天正下着大雨。 Bird lover Jane Roberts, 39, had put the child's umbrella over the birds seed tray to help their food dry。 39岁的爱鸟人士简·罗伯茨为了让鸟食免遭雨淋,将孩子用的雨伞放在了鸟食盘子上。 Jane from Fareham, Hampshire said: 'The bird seed soon goes mouldy in the rain so I try to keep it as dry as I can so I thought a small umbrella would be ideal。 简说:“鸟食在雨天很容易发霉,为了尽量让食物保持干燥,我就找了把小雨伞放在上面。” ‘But no sooner had I put it up the squirrels were using it to keep themselves and their nuts dry and frightening off the birds' “谁知道我刚把伞放那不久,松鼠们就过来避雨,还把鸟儿们轰走了。” 网友评论