A cat called Mayor Stubbs is celebrating 15 years in charge of the town of Talkeetna, Alaska。 一只叫做斯塔布斯的猫咪在美国阿拉斯加的塔尔基特纳当了十五年的市长! Stubbs was elected mayor as a joke by the town's 900 residents just after he was born, and has been in charge ever since。 15年前,市民们对于市长的候选人都不满意,半开玩笑地选了刚出生的斯塔布斯,不想它上台之后“执政”至今。 He does all the things mayors are supposed to do, selling the town to outside investors by appearing in local and national magazines and news articles, meeting the voters as they visit him in the local shop, and receiving official correspondance in the form of cards and letters from wellwishers。 对于市长这份工作,它也算是尽心尽责:频频亮相于报刊杂志,带动了当地的旅游业;在人们前来小店围观它的时候接见选民;收到以粉丝贺卡和信件为载体的公函啥的…… Stubb's job comes with some perks - food and a ceremonial chalice (a wine glass with his name written on it)。 当然作为市长,福利也是有的——衣食无忧,还有个它专用的圣杯(其实就是一写了它名字的玻璃杯)。 The town's unusual choice of mayor has made it something of a sensation in the US。 别样的市长选择,使得小城在美国轰动一时。 网友评论