
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月14日 16:21   沪江英语
伦敦市长奥运获加分 人气飙升有望成新任首相伦敦市长奥运获加分 人气飙升有望成新任首相

  Impressed by his success in hosting the Olympic Games, nearly three-quarters of Britons now want London mayor Boris Johnson to become prime minister, according to a survey on Saturday。


  The 48-year-old former MP who once said he had as much chance of becoming prime minister as being decapitated by a frisbee or finding Elvis, has been widely acclaimed for his role in promoting the Games. In the UK-wide survey conducted for Ladbrokes bookmakers, 71 percent of respondents said they would like him to become premier。


  The blond, mop-haired mayor vigorously denies any interest in seeking the top job and has sought in vain to quell growing speculation that he might one day follow in the footsteps of fellow Conservative politician David Cameron。


  "What do I have to do to make this silly-season story go away?" he wailed earlier this week. "How could anybody elect a prat (fool) who gets stuck in a zip wire?"

  “我要怎么做,人们才不会停止七想八想的臆测呢?” 这个星期早些时候他一阵诉苦,“人们怎么会选个会卡在绳索上的傻帽去当首相么?”

  He was referring to footage of him on a 150 feet- (46-metre)-high wire at a publicity event last week when he was left dangling over a crowd of people for several minutes, clutching a Union Jack flag, as the pulley from which he was suspended got stuck。



  Several political observers have noted that the self-deprecating Johnson is perhaps the only politician in Britain who could escape from such a mishap with his dignity intact。


  To become prime minister, Johnson would first have to stand for election to parliament again, having left to become mayor in 2008. While few doubt his public appeal, many commentators say his tangled private life would be an obstacle to his ever becoming prime minister。

  约翰逊2008年辞去国会议员职位就任伦敦市长,要想成为首相,他首先还得再次参加国会选举。 不过也有评论家表示约翰逊纠缠不清的私生活将是他首相之旅的绊脚石。

  "Each blunder only seems to add to his charm," said Ladbrokes' Alex Donohue in a statement. "His stock is at an all time high following the Games. The odds now clearly reflect the fact that he could soon be moving on up in the world of politics."

  “他的每一次犯错似乎都能让他魅力倍增。”立博博彩公司的Alex Donohue在一次声明中如此表示,“奥运之后他的声望价值将达到了前所未有的高度。赔率很清晰地反映出他很快就能在政坛步步高升。”


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