
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年09月25日 15:43   新华网

  A series of photos depicting beauty queens in Chinese-opera styled bikinis has caused an online frenzy. In contrast to the loud viewer criticism, the event’s organizer maintains the performance was merely intended to promote Chinese culture。

  Some Internet users applauded the bikini-styled opera performance as a very innovative move in terms of the cultural exchange between East and West, whereas others blasted the mere idea of putting on such a show, pointing out that this type of presentation degrades China's national quintessence - and that the bikini-clad models had clearly had no opera training whatsoever。

  Li Yulong, the executive chairman of the organizing committee for the Miss Bikini International Pageant and board chairman of Beijing Beauty and Cultural Development Co. Ltd., told Xinhua that the designs were specifically created to support China's opera culture. The now widely circulated photos were actually taken during a press conference in April this year and all model performers in the show were in fact past winners。

  Li said the intensely discussed Peking Opera headdresses had been designed by pageant organizers and were in no way intended to make a mockery out of the Peking Opera culture. He said their fashion was merely a freestyle design which addresses and celebrates traditional Chinese theater culture。

  "During the 36th Miss Bikini International Final held in July of last year, we adopted hand-embroidered bikinis and traditional Chinese theater styled headdress, using Kunqu Opera as background music for the contestants' performances. This April, at the press conference for the 37th Miss Bikini International, several past winners performed wearing a similar design once more," Li explained。








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