
2012年10月16日18:11  沪江英语 微博   

  Kristen Stewart has been pictured with boyfriend Robert Pattison for the first time since news of her affair with married director Rupert Sanders in July。自从七月份斯图尔特被爆出与已婚导演桑德斯的外遇事件后,斯图尔特第一次和男友帕丁森被拍到在一起。

  Entertainment Tonight has published a still of the Twilight pair together on its website, taken on Sunday night at the Ye Rustic Inn, a bar in Los Angeles' Los Feliz neighborhood。《今晚娱乐》日前在网站上发布了这对暮光情侣周日晚上在洛杉矶酒吧的照片。


  It comes following reports the acting duo were out together on Saturday night at Hollywood's Chateau Marmont, according to Hollywoodlife.com。据《好莱坞生活》报道,这对儿情侣被拍到周六晚上在好莱坞的马蒙特酒店一起出去。

  Sources told ET that Stewart, 22, and Pattinson, 26, spent more than four hours at the bar on Sunday and even 'cosied up to each other'。知情人士爆料,斯图尔特(22岁)和帕丁森(26岁)周日在酒吧共度了超过4个小时,而且彼此看起来还是很亲密。

  They were joined by around 10 friends, according to onlookers and appeared in good spirits as the laughed and joked over drinks。现场的观众说,他们和十几个朋友在一起谈笑风生,气氛十分融洽。

  Two separate witnesses saw the couple at the nightspot, with one telling the publication they 'snuck into the garden from a private side entrance'。两个目击者看到他们在夜总会出现。一个说,他们偷偷溜进花园的一个私人侧门。

  A second onlooker said Robert was wearing a baseball cap and both were casually dressed in jeans and T-shirts and 'whispering very close and intimately'. 第二个旁观者说罗伯特戴着棒球帽,他们都穿着休闲的牛仔裤T恤衫很亲密的耳语。

  The sightings comes ahead of their hotly-anticipated red carpet turn next month, when they are expected to promote The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 film together。这次曝光出现在下个月万众瞩目的红地毯之前,他们要一起为暮光之城:破晓2的首映做宣传。

  The movie is set for release in cinemas on November 16, with the London premiere set for November 14.这部电影将于11月14日在伦敦举行首映礼,16日正式登陆电影院。

  The three-year romance took a nose dive following Kristen's summer indiscretion with her 41-year-old, married Snow White and The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders. 这段为期三年的感情在克里斯汀与《白雪公主与猎人》41岁的导演罗伯特桑德斯在夏天的轻率举动而一落千丈。

  Last July, Kristen's fling came to light after photos surfaced showing her and Sanders kissing and hugging in Los Angeles.7月,克里斯汀被爆出在洛杉矶和桑德斯的亲吻拥抱照。

  In the weeks since Kristen and Sanders both issued public apologies for their behavior, Rob and Kristen seem to have inched their way back together。在那以后的几个星期,克里斯汀和桑德斯都发表了道歉声明,现在看来,罗伯特和克里斯汀的感情在慢慢地复苏。

  The couple reportedly are trying to work things out。据报道,这对儿情侣正试图解决这些问题。

  'We’re going to be fine. We’re totally fine,' Kristen recently told the Associated Press when asked about some 'awkward public appearances' she and Rob will be facing promoting Breaking Dawn 2.克里斯汀最近接受联合新闻采访,被问到“尴尬的公开露面”-她和罗伯特将一起出席破晓2首映,她回答道,“我们会好的,我们真的很好。”

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