
2012年11月02日10:48  沪江英语 微博   

  Smell you, Robert Pattinson!闻香识罗伯特!

  E! News can exclusively reveal that the Twilight star has signed a mega-deal with Christian Dior。据报道,《暮光之城》男星罗伯特·帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)已与法国时尚品牌迪奥签下巨额代言合约。 

  Pattinson will star in a series of ad campaigns for the French fashion house's line of men's fragrances。帕丁森将为迪奥旗下的男士香水拍摄多款宣传广告。 

  "Rob likes the brand," reports a source, who estimates the deal at being worth close to $12 million for three years。知情人士说:“罗伯特很喜欢这个品牌。”他还透露为期三年的代言合约含金量约为1200万美元。 

  Other celebs who have endorsed Dior fragrances include Jude Law, Charlize Theron and Natalie Portman, who appeared in a controversial topless ad last year。裘德·洛(Jude Law),查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron ),娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)都曾为迪奥香水代言。去年波特曼还拍摄了一套颇具争议的半裸广告。 

  R.Pattz is no stranger to Dior. He's hit the red carpet in several different Dior Homme looks, including a tuxedo at this year's Cannes Film Festival and jeans at the Teen Choice Awards。帕丁森是迪奥的爱好者,曾多次穿着迪奥服饰出席活动。今年他身穿迪奥礼服亮相戛纳电影节。出席青少年选择奖时,他也选择了迪奥牛仔裤。

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