
2012年12月12日14:10  沪江英语 微博   

  There will be a flash forward on the Gossip Girl finale。在《八卦天后》(Gossip Girl)大结局,将有一段“几年以后……”的剧情上演。

  Many of you no doubt heard this rumor a long time ago, and it's now confirmed to be the case. How far will the finale flash forward, when it will air during the episode and what it will the glimpse into the future entail?这条传闻多日的剧透消息终于得到了证实,但剧情将向前跳跃多少年呢?将会在该集的哪一时段播出?其中又包含怎样的未来剧情呢?

  That's still under lock and key, but theories abound (a notable one involves Chuck and Blair's son Henry), and we're sure you have your own ideas about what will - and what you'd like to see - happen December 17.粉丝都在猜测恰克(Chuck )和布莱尔(Blair)的可爱儿子亨利(Henry)将会露面,但一切答案还将到大结局中寻找。

  Think it's true that after the final season concludes in the present, we'll see the married couple a few years down the road, living happily ever after? Are we in for some additional surprises no one will see coming?不过可以肯定的是,我们将会看到已经结婚的恰克和布莱尔几年以后的生活,他们会永远快乐幸福的生活下去吗?还会有什么惊喜发生呢?

  What will the flash forward show, and what is your ideal ending for the show's sixth and final season?你觉得大结局将闪现怎样的未来剧情?你理想中的大结局又是怎样的呢?


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