
2013年02月04日11:20  沪江英语 微博   


  故事开始于蒙特娄,也结束于蒙特娄。一名在找寻灵感的作家(拉菲·斯波 Rafe Spall 饰)无意间得知派·帕帖尔(伊尔凡·可汗 Irrfan Khan 饰)的传奇故事。派的父亲(阿迪勒·侯赛因 Adil Hussain 饰)开了一家动物园。因这样特殊的生活环境,少年派(苏拉·沙玛 Suraj Sharma 饰 )对信仰与人的本性自有一套看法……选段中,Richard Parker离开了Pi, Pi哭得很绝望,他回忆说:“我哭得像个孩子不是因为我对自己历经磨难却生存下来而感到激动,我哭是因为理查德·帕克离开了我。”


  Pi(Now): I saw how my life would end, if I stayed on that island. Alone, forgotten. I had to get back to the world, or die trying。

  Pi(Now): I spent the next day preparing the boat. I filled my stores with fresh water, ate sea weed until my stomach could take no more, and brought as many meerkats as I could fit into the storey's locker for Richard Parker. I couldn't leave without him, of course. It would be killing him. And so I waited for his return. I knew he wouldn't be late。

  Pi(Young): Richard Parker!

  Pi(Now): No one has seen that floating island since. And you won't read about those trees in any nature book. And yet, if I hadn't found those shores, I would have died. And if I hadn't discovered that tooth, I would have been lost, alone forever. Even when God seemed to have abandoned me, he was watching. Even when he seemed indifferent to my suffering, he was watching. And when I was beyond all hope of saving, he gave me rest. And gave me a sign to continue my journey。

  Pi(Now): By the time we reached the Mexican shore, I was afraid to let go off the boat. My strength was gone, I was so weak. I was afraid that in two feet of water, so close to deliverance, I would drown。

  Pi(Now): I struggled to shore, and fell upon the sand. It was warm and soft, like pressing my face against the cheek of God. And somewhere, two eyes were smiling, that having me there. I was so spent, I could hardly move. And so Richard Parker went ahead of me. He stretched his legs, and walked along the shore. At the edge of the jungle, he stopped. I was certain he was going to look back to me. Flatten his ears to his head, proud, that he would bring our relationship to an end in some way. But he just teared ahead into the jungle. And then, Richard Parker, my fierce compagnion, the terrible one who kept me alive, disappeared forever from my life。

  Pi(Now): After a few hours, a member of my own species found me. He left and returned with a group who carried me away. And I wept like a child, not because I was overwhelmed of having survived, altough I was. I was whiping because Richard Parker left me so unceremoniously. It broke my heart。

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