Lucy Liu at the Golden Globes刘玉玲金球奖造型
Kids usually like to play dress-up, but one New York City-based artist took it to a whole other level when she recreated her favorite looks from the 2013 Golden Globes -- with toddler models! Tricia Messeroux made a name for herself by creating mini celebrity lookalikes with a project entitled "ToddleWood," and now check out her finished product as she transforms children into A-list red carpet stars:孩子都喜欢玩化妆游戏,不过纽约市的一位艺术家将孩子的化妆游戏上升到了一个新的层次。她重塑了2013年金球奖她最喜欢的几个红毯造型——模特都是小孩!艺术家Tricia Messeroux发起了一个名为“ToddleWood”的项目,打造与社会名流造型相类似的迷你版造型,并且由此赢得了名声。现在一起来看看她的作品,看她如何把小孩变成红毯上的一线明星吧:
Wearing a nearly identical version of Lucy Liu's Carolina Herrera gown, the actress' little mini-me nailed the presenter's Golden Globes look right down to her matching side braid。迷你版演员刘玉玲身穿和刘玉玲的Carolina Herrera礼服极为相似的服装,辫子梳到侧边,与礼服相配,将刘玉玲的金球奖造型演绎得恰到好处。
Kerry Washington at the Golden Globes凯丽·华盛顿金球奖造型
Messeroux had to work quickly after the big show, and the photographer collaborated with her designer Andrea Pitter to get dress fabric and props that would recreate the award looks in a miniature version. Here, Kerry Washington's mini-me strikes a pose worthy of a Hollywood starlet.Messeroux必须在金球奖红毯秀后迅速完成她的工作,这名摄影师与时装设计师Andrea Pitter一起合作,采购裙装的布料和其他重新塑造迷你版造型需要的物品。看看,迷你版的凯利·华盛顿摆的姿势可以称得上是好莱坞的小明星了。
George Clooney and Stacy Keibler at the Golden Globes乔治·克鲁尼和史黛希·姬伯乐的金球奖造型
It's a mini George Clooney and Stacy Keibler! Messeroux told that young Dallas (who is imitating Stacy) had to stand on a sandbag to give her the extra height to tower over her dashing Clooney lookalike。这是迷你版的乔治·克鲁尼和史黛希·姬伯乐!Messeroux对今日网站的记者表达,小Dallas(Stacy的模仿者)必须要站在沙袋上才能才能高过时髦的迷你克鲁尼。
Taylor Swift at the Golden Globes泰勒·斯威夫特金球奖造型
Taylor Swift chose a sexy number for the Globes, donning a Donna Karan Atelier gown complete with see-through panels. Though her mini-me covered up a bit more, with her matching blonde hair pulled into a bun and copycat dress, she could be a dead ringer for the pop singer。泰勒·斯威夫特的金球奖造型十分性感,身穿一件Donna Karan Atelier礼服侧面透视。虽然她的迷你版暴露的比较少,不过她的金发梳成了一个发髻,礼服也仿制了原版礼服,和歌手泰勒·斯威夫特像得一塌糊涂。
Halle Berry at the Golden Globes哈莉·贝瑞金球奖造型
Mini-Halle Berry perfected her hand-on-hip pose as she modeled a lookalike of the actress' one-shouldered printed Versace dress. This kid might be cute, but the dress is still a fashion disaster。迷你哈莉·贝瑞穿着单肩印花Versace裙装,她模仿了这位女演员摆造型时最喜欢手放在胯部的这个造型。模特可能很可爱,不过这条裙子依旧是场“时尚灾难”。
Anne Hathaway at the Golden Globes安妮·海瑟薇金球奖造型
According to Messeroux, mini-Anne Hathaway was a total pro. "This was her very first photo shoot ever," the artist told "She did a great job even though the Anne Hathaway wig was itchy and the sequined dress was kind of itchy too. But she maintained herself and even asked to keep the dress!"Messeroux说,迷你海瑟薇完全是个专业模特。“这是她人生第一张摄影,”这位艺术家告诉今日网站的记者。“虽然安妮·海瑟薇的假发和这条亮片裙子都有点扎人,但是她还是做得非常棒。她表现得很好,甚至还说要把这条裙子留下来。”
Taylor Swift impersonator泰勒·斯威夫特的小演员
Messeroux said she began her "ToddleWood" project because she wanted to include her young daughter in her photography work. Here, is mini-Taylor Swift looking for her next boy-toy?Messeroux说她开始"ToddleWood"项目是因为她想要把她的女儿也拍进摄影作品里。看这个迷你泰勒·斯威夫特是不是在找她的小男伴?
George Clooney and Stacy Keibler impersonators乔治·克鲁尼和史黛希·姬伯乐的小演员
Having met just that day, these two young models can definitely pass for the real deal! Mini-George Clooney even sported the actor's famous silver fox look!这两个小模特摄影当天才认识,不过真的可以以假乱真了!迷你版乔治·克鲁尼甚至还模仿了克鲁尼经典的“银狐”形象!