For many of us, it can be tough to imagine unplugging for a couple of hours: Technology has become somewhat of a crutch. But, connecting off-screen is something worth prioritizing every now and again. Check out some things to do without technology in the slideshow below。对很多人来说,与科技暂别几个小时似乎十分煎熬,毕竟从某种程度上,它已经成为了我们的拐杖。但暂时脱离它却是我们现在就该做的首要事情。看看下面能让你暂别科技的事情吧。
1. Cooking烹饪
I just got an amazing cookbook and I intend to use it, despite possible paper cuts and incessant
page turning. Cooking requires love as well as undivided attention. Keeping the chicken from burning and the house from going up in flames will keep you busy enough to turn off the phone。刚买了本超棒的烹饪书,千万别怕可能会割到手或翻起来麻烦,是时候派上用场啦。烹饪需要爱,和高度的注意力。要确保厨房甚至屋子不会着火,我想你应该完全没有时间再看手机了吧。
2. Wondering思考
This one sounds weird because it is. It is completely weird to wonder about anything with a smartphone. We shouldn’t take for granted that we have access to more knowledge than in any other time in history. We should give ourselves time to think about the question before knowing the answer。这个听起来有点奇怪,也的确挺怪。手机在手,你还花时间思考就显得更诡异了。但我们可不能想当然的认为正处于最发达的时代,拥有获得更多知识的途径。在知道答案之前,我们应该给自己一点时间去思考问题。
3. Talking交谈
Kids think less of texting in the middle of a conversation. As we get older we learn that it’s really rude. Turn your phone off when you’re out to coffee with friends. Don’t take their time and attention for granted. Otherwise they’ll grow up without you。孩子们在谈话时很少会去发短信。可对于我们而言似乎很难做到。和朋友喝咖啡的时候不妨关上手机吧。别浪费他们的时间和注意力,否则你就会不知不觉失去这些朋友们。
4. Dating约会
Terrifying. The other end of an instant message convo is a broad wall from which to ask someone out on a date. It’s an even bigger wall when you carry on a relationship online. Save some stories and compliments so that you and your mate look forward to seeing each other in person。真恐怖。发短信犹如一面大墙阻碍了你们出来约会。网恋的话,这种情况会更糟糕。留点小故事和赞美吧,你们才会希望可以面对面的交谈。
5. Writing写作
Good handwriting is one of those things like books and records that are fading from popular culture. But like vinyl
and a good book cover, handwriting will always has its charm. Even if it’s bad, there’s something about a handwritten note that makes you want to frame it。现代文明下,写一手好字也和纸质书籍、磁带一样逐渐退出我们的生活。但正如好的唱片和书籍封面一样,字迹也有着自己的魅力。就算字写的不是很好看,但也总有那么一张手写便条会让你不禁想裱起来。