
2013年03月14日10:45  沪江英语 微博   



  Don't you wish there was a small trick or two that could make you more attractive to the opposite sex? It turns out there are plenty。想不想学几招让你在异性面前更有魅力呢?当然有很多招数可以学。

  We combed through some recent scientific studies to find personal grooming tips, dietary changes and other fixes that are proven to make you more attractive。我们整理了一下最新的科学研究,发现改变自己容貌,饮食规律以及其他的方面会让人更加有魅力。

  Go for a ride...on a roller coaster。坐....。.过山车

  Take your date or someone you want to be romantically involved with on a roller coaster。带着你的约会对象或是你想进一步发展感情的某人去坐过山车吧!

  A study from earlier last year revealed that roller coaster riders found their non-romantic co-riders more attractive after a whip around the track, according to The Daily Mail。《每日邮报》报道称,去年早期的研究表明乘客,在经历过过山车之后会发现自己的普通朋友更加有魅力。

  There was no difference for couples who were already romantically linked, so this trick only works with potential partners。不过这对已经是情侣们不太适用,仅限于潜在约会对象哦。

  Eat your fruits and vegetables for glowing skin。多吃水果蔬菜让肌肤焕发光彩

  Eating more fruits and vegetables is a natural way to make your skin look more attractive, a study from PLoS ONE showed。公共国家图书馆研究表明,多吃水果和蔬菜是使肌肤更有魅力的最天然方法。

  The redness and yellowness of skin in white people may be linked to the number of servings of fruit and vegetables they eat daily, the study showed. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants and plant-based pigments, which seem to give skin a healthy hue。研究表明,白种人皮肤发红与发黄有可能与每日摄取的水果蔬菜数量有关。水果和蔬菜富含抗氧化剂和植物色素,这些似乎能让肤色更加健康。

  Better yet, the results are instant. Participants in the study had rosier cheeks and healthier looking skin with just an increase of one portion of fruit and vegetables a day. 更好的是,此方法效果立竿见影。通过每天多食用一份水果和蔬菜,研究参与者们很快脸颊更红润了,肤色也更加健康。

  Keep those teeth pearly white保持牙齿白亮

  A study confirmed the obvious, that a white and evenly spaced set of teeth make people seem more attractive。研究证明,拥有白亮整齐牙齿的人似乎更有魅力。

  The study, from researchers at the British universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire, found that teeth are "the human equivalent of a peacock’s tail," according to The Daily Mail。《每日邮报》报道称,利兹和中央兰开夏郡的英国大学研究发现,牙齿相当于人类的孔雀尾巴。

  They are a sign of health and good genetics that help select a mate。牙齿是健康和优质基因的标志,能帮助人们选择伴侣。

  Women should keep red lipstick handy。女人应该随身带口红

  Ladies, pick up some red lipstick next time you're at the drug store。下次去药妆店,女士们可别忘了买点口红。

  A woman's lips are the most attractive part of her body, especially when colored with red lipstick, a study from the Manchester University revealed。曼彻斯特大学的研究发现,女人的嘴唇是身体中最性感的部位,特别是在涂过口红之后。

  The study found that men stared at a woman's lips for seven full seconds when they were colored red. In comparison, they spent just 0.95 seconds looking at her eyes and 0.85 seconds gazing at her hair。研究发现一旦女人涂了口红,男人可以盯着女人的嘴唇长达7秒之久,相比之下,他们只会花0.95秒去关注女人的眼睛,0.85秒关注女人的头发。

  Play dumb (but only if you're looking for a fling)装傻(仅限于找一夜情的情况)

  This one pains us to write. But ladies, if you're looking for a one-night stand, it's best to play it stupid。我们十分纠结到底要不要列出这一点。如果你想找的是一夜情,那么最好的办法就是装傻。

  In a study recently published in Evolution and Human Behavior, graduate students at the University of Texas–Austin found that that men were most attracted to women who appeared "dimwitted- or immature," or "sleepy or intoxicated" for a one-night stand。德州大学奥斯丁分校的研究生在《进化与人类行为》杂志上近期发表的研究发现,男人更喜欢那些看起来“笨笨的、单纯的” 或“昏昏欲睡醉酒的”女人们来玩一夜情。

  Women who appeared quick-witted and lucid, on the other hand, were found less physically attractive。而那些聪明机警头脑清楚的女人反而缺少点魅力。

  Thankfully, the opposite was true when men were seeking long-term partners。不过谢天谢地,在男人们寻找长期伴侣时,结论完全是反过来的。


  Ladies, a simple smile will help a guy find you more attractive。女士们,简单的微笑都能让男人觉得你更有魅力。

  Happiness is the most attractive emotion in females, a study called "Happy Guys Finish Last: The Impact of Emotion Expressions on Sexual Attraction" from Emotion showed。一个名为“快乐者事竟成:情感表达对异性魅力的影响”的研究表明,快乐是女性最有魅力的情感。

  Guys—brood a little more。男士们还是深沉点吧

  Brooding and swaggering men are much more attractive than men who are smiling, according to a recent study from the University of British Columbia. In fact, the women surveyed said happiness was the least attractive quality in a man。根据英属哥伦比亚大学的最新研究表明,相对于那些笑嘻嘻的男人们而言,深沉而高傲的男人们似乎更有魅力。实际上,被调查的女人们说快乐是男人身上最无魅力的特性。

  The study could explain why some women are attracted to the "bad boy" persona。该研究能解释为何有些女人独爱“坏男人”。

  And shave those beards。男士们还要记得刮胡子

  Women did not rate men with have bearded faces as more attractive in a recent study in the Oxford Journal。《牛津大学期刊》上最新的调查显示,女人们并不认为有胡须的男人会更有魅力。

  The study found that men with beards were seen as more aggressive and of a higher social-status, but not better looking。调查发现有胡须的男人会显得更有进取心,虽然可以显示更高的社会地位,但是会影响外貌美观。

  Take a deep breath and relax。深吸一口气放松

  Women find less-stressed men substantially more attractive than their more-stressed out rivals, a study, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B journal found。《英国皇家协会学报》B刊的研究表明,女人们觉得相对于压力重重的男人们而言,她们更喜欢轻松点的男人们。

  The study's researchers concluded that men with low stress levels are more attractive, because handling a stressful situation suggests having a "strong" genetic makeup and that can be passed on to children。调查者总结说压力小的男人更有魅力,因为他们能处理好压力状况,表明有好的抗压基因,这能遗传给下一代。

  Play hard to get。保持神秘感

  In another odd turn of human behavior, a study in Psychological Science showed that women found a man more attractive when she wasn't sure how strongly he felt about her, as opposed to when she was certain he was very interested in her。这又牵扯到人类一个奇怪的行为了,《心理科学》杂志的研究表明,如果女人们并不清楚自己在男人心中的地位,则那个男人会更有魅力,然而一旦获知男人对她很感兴趣,那么这个男人似乎就没那么有魅力了。

  The study found that women started thinking about a man more when she was uncertain if he really liked her or not. Then, she would conclude she liked him since she couldn't "get this guy out of her head."研究发现当女人并不确定男人是否喜欢她时,会不断的想起这个男人。然后她就会觉得已经喜欢上了他,因为这个男人一直在她的脑海挥之不去。

  Overall, the study suggested that if men hold back some of their feelings at the very beginning, and create some mystery, he'll be more likely to hook a member of the opposite sex。总的来说,如果男人们想一直保持最初在女人心中的感觉,那就制造点神秘感吧,这会让你吸引一大批异性哦。


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