“天大的事”,也有半直译半意译,如“打断骨头连着筋”:——(政府削权)“我们要有壮士断腕的决心”= We should have the determination to cut the wrist like brave warriors。
——“腐败和我们政府的信誉应该说水火不容”= Corruption is incompatible to reputation of the government, like fire to water。
——(两岸同胞)“打断骨头还连着筋”= Bones may be broken, but they are not split, because we are compatriots。
——(两岸关系)“使其花团锦簇,我想花好总有月圆时”= ...so that it will be full of flowers. When flowers are in full blossom, there will be a time for the moon to be full again。
——“至于食品安全,那可以说是天大的事”= Food safety is of utmost importance。
——(查处)“假冒伪劣和黑心食品”= punish the heartless producers of substandard and fake food
——“绿水青山贫穷落后不行,但殷实富裕环境恶化也不行”= It is no good to be poor in a beautiful environment, nor is it good to be well-off and live with environmental degradation。
这么多比喻中,最难翻译的应该是“(改革贵在行动)喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子”,翻译很巧妙地借用了英语Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk的习惯说法,很自然,外国人一下子就能听懂,应该是本次记者招待会上最出彩的翻译之一。