
2013年03月26日15:02  沪江英语 微博   

  Sunday evening's episode of the History Channel's hit series 'The Bible' threw up an awkward coincidence when viewers noticed that Satan bore a remarkable resemblance to President Obama。

  Twitter exploded into life during the airing of the latest edition of the Mark Burnett-produced series with most noting the striking similarities between the 44th President and the devil played by actor Mehdi Ouzaani。

  The show has been a surprise hit in the ratings, with the religious mini-series attracting 13.1 million viewers on Wednesday - topping television leviathan American Idol's 12.8 million viewers on Wednesday。


  Right-wing commentator and radio-host Glenn Beck first pointed out the eerie similarity on Saturday, tweeting, 'Anyone else think the Devil in #TheBible Sunday on History Channel looks exactly like That Guy?' Others were simply struck by the clear physical match。

  While Matthew Gaudet commented, 'Watching The Bible series on the History channel and noticed the guy playing the role of Satan, looks strikingly similar to Obama.'



  《圣经故事》在收视率上表现惊人,周三小系列的故事便吸引了1300万的观众,有数千人对扮演撒旦的演员欧扎尼(Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni)与奥巴马酷似一事在社交网站平台上发表了评论:“有人发现《圣经故事》中的魔鬼与那个家伙(奥巴马)看起来很像吗?”

  对此《圣经故事》制片人马克·博内特(Mark Burnett)称,社交网络上有关撒旦扮演者欧扎尼与奥巴马总统酷似的评论“完全没有意义”,在奥巴马当选总统前,欧扎尼就曾在其他圣经节目中扮演过撒旦。

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