
2013年04月02日15:18  新东方在线 微博   
Work is important, but definitely not at the cost of your health. Many a time, women ignore their health due to work related stress. Ignoring health because of work can cause trouble in the long run. Listed below are some signs that your work life is affecting your health, read on.   工作非常重要,但绝不应以牺牲健康为代价,很多时候女性都因为工作上的压力而忽视了健康。因为工作忽视健康会导致长期的问题。下面就是一些工作正在危害你的健康的信号。   1. Sleep disorders  睡眠障碍   It is important to maintain a normal work life balance. Set a definite time frame for work. Working at odd hours can cause sleeping disorders. If possible, do not work at home. All the official work should be done in the office only. This will ensure a normal sleeping pattern. Working at odd hours can also cause stress.   维持正常的工作和生活的平衡非常重要,为工作设定一个时间范围。在闲暇时间工作会导致睡眠障碍。如果可能的话,不要在家工作。所有正式的工作都应该只在办公室完成,这会保证正常的睡眠习惯。在闲暇时间工作可能也会带来压力。   2. Exhaustion  过度疲惫   Work life imbalance can cause exhaustion. Working for prolonged hours can cause physical and mental exhaustion in most cases. It is important to work for definite hours. Working all the time can cause stress. And, stress causes physical burnout.   工作生活不平衡可能导致过度疲惫。超时工作在很多情况下会让身体和精神都过分疲惫,把工作控制在一定时间内很重要。不分昼夜的工作会导致压力,而压力会让你的身体出问题。   3. Negative thinking  负面思维   Working for long hours can also cause inefficiency. Inefficiency can cause loss of productivity. You might be physically present in the office, but might not be able to give hundred percent to your work. Long working hours can also cause negative thinking.   长时间的工作也会导致效率低下,而效率低下会让生产力下降。也许你人在办公室,但却不能百分百投入工作。长时间的工作也会带来负面思维。   4. Stress  压力   Work life imbalance can trigger the condition of stress. Meeting of deadlines and working at odd hours can result in mental stress. Mental stress can cause physical problems in the body. To relieve stress, it is important to set fixed hours for working. Practise some stress relief tricks to maintain your health.   工作时间的不平衡会引发压力。为了赶在截止日期前完成任务而超时工作会导致精神压力,而精神压力会导致身体上出现问题。为了减轻压力,设定固定的工作时间是非常重要的,尝试一些减压的办法有助于保持健康。   5. Change in behavior  行为变化   There may be a possible change in your behavior due to work life imbalance. There is a feeling of frustration. Many women also experience mood swings because of this reason. When you notice a change of behavior, be sure what is causing the same.   工作时间的不平衡可能还会导致你行为上的变化。可能会有一种挫败感。许多女性因此还会经历情绪上的起伏。当你发现行为有变化时,要找出原因。   6. Change in physical appearance  外表的变化   Work life imbalance also causes a change in physical appearance. There may be a sudden weight gain or weight loss because of this. As working for long hours causes stress, there might be appearance of wrinkles on the face. It is important to take care of your health and reduce stress related to work.   工作时间不平衡还可能导致外表的变化,可能因此导致体重骤增或骤减。由于超时工作会带来压力,你的脸上可能会出现皱纹。关注健康、减轻工作相关的压力是非常重要的。   7. Physical ailments  身体疾病   If you work for long hours, it can cause stress in the body. Stress causes various physical ailments like high cholesterol and blood pressure. Increase in cholesterol levels and blood pressure can cause heart related problems. Therefore, it is important to keep work related stress in control.   如果你长时间工作,会带来身体上的压力。压力会导致多种身体疾病,比如高胆固醇和高血压,而胆固醇和血压的升高会引发心脏问题。所以控制工作带来的压力十分重要。   Stressful work life can cause many problems related to health. It is important to maintain a proper balance to stay active and fit.   工作期间的压力可能导致许多健康问题。保持适当的平衡,积极健康地生活非常重要。  身体为你敲响的七声警钟

  Work is important, but definitely not at the cost of your health. Many a time, women ignore their health due to work related stress. Ignoring health because of work can cause trouble in the long run. Listed below are some signs that your work life is affecting your health, read on。


  1. Sleep disorders  睡眠障碍

  It is important to maintain a normal work life balance. Set a definite time frame for work. Working at odd hours can cause sleeping disorders. If possible, do not work at home. All the official work should be done in the office only. This will ensure a normal sleeping pattern. Working at odd hours can also cause stress。


  2. Exhaustion  过度疲惫

  Work life imbalance can cause exhaustion. Working for prolonged hours can cause physical and mental exhaustion in most cases. It is important to work for definite hours. Working all the time can cause stress. And, stress causes physical burnout。


  3. Negative thinking  负面思维

  Working for long hours can also cause inefficiency. Inefficiency can cause loss of productivity. You might be physically present in the office, but might not be able to give hundred percent to your work. Long working hours can also cause negative thinking。


  4. Stress  压力

  Work life imbalance can trigger the condition of stress. Meeting of deadlines and working at odd hours can result in mental stress. Mental stress can cause physical problems in the body. To relieve stress, it is important to set fixed hours for working. Practise some stress relief tricks to maintain your health。


  5. Change in behavior  行为变化

  There may be a possible change in your behavior due to work life imbalance. There is a feeling of frustration. Many women also experience mood swings because of this reason. When you notice a change of behavior, be sure what is causing the same。


  6. Change in physical appearance  外表的变化

  Work life imbalance also causes a change in physical appearance. There may be a sudden weight gain or weight loss because of this. As working for long hours causes stress, there might be appearance of wrinkles on the face. It is important to take care of your health and reduce stress related to work。


  7. Physical ailments  身体疾病

  If you work for long hours, it can cause stress in the body. Stress causes various physical ailments like high cholesterol and blood pressure. Increase in cholesterol levels and blood pressure can cause heart related problems. Therefore, it is important to keep work related stress in control。


  Stressful work life can cause many problems related to health. It is important to maintain a proper balance to stay active and fit。


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