
2013年04月09日10:29  沪江英语 微博   

  Former Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher has died after suffering a stroke today。英国前保守党领袖、前首相格丽特·撒切尔在今日因为中风去世。

  Britain's first and only female political leader passed away peacefully aged 87, after suffering from poor health for more than a decade。这位英国历史上第一位也是唯一一位女首相享年87岁,去世的时候非常平静。撒切尔夫人晚年健康状况不佳,已经饱受病痛折磨10多年了。

  The Queen was sad to hear of Baroness Thatcher's death and Her Majesty will send a private message of sympathy to the family, Buckingham Palace said today。白金汉宫方面称,女王对撒切尔夫人逝世的消息感到悲伤,将向她的家庭发出私人致哀信息。

  Prime Minister David Cameron said: 'It was with great sadness that l learned of Lady Thatcher’s death. We've lost a great leader, a great Prime Minister and a great Briton'。英国首相大卫·卡梅伦在声明中说道:“得知撒切尔夫人去世的消息我非常难过。我们失去了一位伟大的领导人、一位伟大的首相、一位伟大的英国人。”

  He will return early from his visit to Europe this afternoon following the death of Baroness Thatcher, Downing Street said。唐宁街方面表示,由于撒切尔夫人去世,卡梅伦首相将提前结束欧洲之旅返回英国。

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