
2013年04月17日11:29  沪江英语 微博   
波士顿爆炸案8岁男童丧生:只为给父亲拥抱 波士顿爆炸案8岁男童丧生:只为给父亲拥抱
波士顿爆炸案8岁男童丧生:只为给父亲拥抱 波士顿爆炸案8岁男童丧生:只为给父亲拥抱
波士顿爆炸案8岁男童丧生:只为给父亲拥抱 波士顿爆炸案8岁男童丧生:只为给父亲拥抱

  An eight-year-old boy waiting at the finish line to give his father a hug was among three people killed and more than 144 injured when two explosions rocked the Boston Marathon。波士顿马拉松赛中发生的两轮爆炸至少造成3死144伤。其中一名死者是一个八岁男孩,他正等在比赛终点线上,要给爸爸一个拥抱。

  The eight-year-old boy killed in Monday’s bomb blasts at the Boston Marathon has been identified as Martin Richard of Dorchester, Mass。周一在波士顿马拉松爆炸案中丧生的8岁男孩身份得到证实,这个小男孩来自马萨诸塞州多尔切斯特市,名叫马丁·理查德。

  Richard’s mother, Denise, and his six-year-old sister were reported to have been seriously injured in the explosion。马丁的母亲丹尼斯和六岁的妹妹在爆炸中受了重伤。

  Martin Richard was standing with his mother and sister, who both suffered horrific injuries when bombs hidden in rubbish bins exploded within seconds of each other during the Patriots’ Day bank holiday。爱国者日这天,和妈妈姐姐一起站在比赛终点线边,当掩藏在垃圾箱里的炸弹相继爆炸时,他的妈妈和妹妹都受了重伤。

  Friends of the family gathered at Tavolo Restaurant on Monday night in Dorchester, where the boy’s father William Richard is a community leader. Denise Richard worked at the local Neighborhood House Charter School, The Associated Press reported. 根据美联社的报道,理查德一家的朋友周一晚上都聚集在多尔切斯特市的塔沃罗餐馆,男孩的父亲威廉是社区的领导人,妈妈丹尼斯则在当地的特许公立学校工作。

  “They are beloved by this community. They contribute in many ways. That’s why you see this outpouring,” City Councilor at Large Ayanna Pressley told the Boston Globe. “It’s surreal, it’s tragic, it’s incomprehensible. Everyone here tonight is trying to comfort one another and be prayerful。”波士顿市议员佩斯里-普莉斯莱对《波士顿环球报》表示:“整个社区的人都很喜欢他们一家人,他们做出了很多贡献,所以你可以看到大家的真情流露。我们都无法相信悲剧的发生,我们都不能接受事实。今晚在这里的每一个人,都在安慰彼此,为这家人祈祷。”

  The boy loved to clamber up trees in the neighborhood and play outside his home, neighbor Betty Delorey told the AP.  On the stoop of the family’s home, a single candle burned on Tuesday. One word was written in chalk on the front walk: “Peace。”邻居贝蒂告诉美联社的记者,马丁非常喜欢在附近爬树,而且非常爱在户外玩。周二在理查德家的门廊上,一只蜡烛静静地燃起,步行通道上用粉笔写着“安息” 。

  Today, the United States remained on full alert after the worst terrorist outrage since the World Trade Centre towers were destroyed by hijacked jets on September 11, 2001. 2001年9月11日发生的世贸大厦劫机事件是最严重的恐怖袭击事件,直至今日,美国全国仍心有余悸并保持全面安全警戒。

  At least 17 of the injured are in a critical condition and it is thought as many as 30 victims may have needed amputations or major corrective surgery on maimed limbs。爆炸案的受害者中至少有17人伤势严重,情况危急,据推算可能有30名受害者不得不接受截肢或者大型矫正手术。

  And with the victims reportedly ranging from two-years-old to 63-years-old, hospitals across Boston have said that they were removing ball bearings from a large number of the 144 injured in the co-ordinated and almost simultaneous bomb blasts. 据报道,受害者年龄下至2岁上至63岁,波士顿市内医院表示他们正把这两起几乎同时发生的密谋爆炸案的144位伤员转移治疗。





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