据英国《每日邮报》报道,凯特王妃是在圣巴特里克节的一次酒会上透露的这一消息。据悉,她所购买的是顶级品牌Bugaboo的婴儿车,价值500英镑到1000英镑 (约合人民币4761到9523元),有多种颜色可选。
众所周知,蓝色适合男孩,粉色适合女孩。不清楚孩子性别的家长[微博]一般会选择米黄色、米白色或黑色等中性颜色。 虽然威廉王子夫妇一再表示他们并不知道怀的是男孩还是女孩,但凯特选择蓝色至少透露了她自己对孩子性别的判断。
Kate's biggest clue to the sex of her unborn child... she buys Bugaboo buggy in baby blue
It is possibly the most well-known colour code of them all – pink for agirl, blue for a boy。
So when the Duchess of Cambridge revealed she had bought a pram in lightblue, Royal watchers wondered excitedly if she had dropped the biggest clue yetto the sex of her unborn child。
Kate – who is six months pregnant – told guests at a recent reception thatshe had chosen a buggy by designer label Bugaboo, which has celebrity fansincluding actress Sienna Miller and television presenter Peaches Geldof。
The buggies, which cost from £500 to £1,000 and can operate as either apushchair or pram, come in a variety of colours and parents who do not know thesex of their baby usually prefer neutral hues such as beige, off-white orblack.
The Duke and Duchess have insisted that they do not know if they arehaving a boy or a girl。
But although it is possible to swap some of the buggy’s accessories forthose in different colours, including pink, Kate’s choice of blue will be seenas a clear hint as to her feelings about the gender。
She has said she would prefer a son while William wants a daughter。
Yesterday, Bugaboo said it had not presented the buggy to the Royal coupleafter being advised by officials not to send gifts。
So it appears that Kate, who was seen shopping for a Moses basket in South Kensington last week with her mother, bought thepram herself。
The Duchess, 31, revealed the Bugaboo colour when she chatted to a groupof Army wives at a drinks reception in Aldershoton St Patrick’s Day。
According to one source: ‘She and some of the other girls were talkingabout prams and one of the girls had her baby in a Bugaboo。
Her choices of dress have long spawned a rush to the shops – and thispretty polka dot outfit proved pregnancy has done nothing to dent the‘Kate-effect’。
Just an hour after the Duchess of Cambridge arrived at the Warner Brothersfilm studios in Hertfordshire on Friday, the Topshop dress, which costs just £20 in the sale, had sold out online。
Now it has emerged the skater dress was bought personally by the Duchessfrom Topshop in Oxford Circus last month。
It is understood she arrived unannounced and spent nearly an hour browsingwith her security staff, looking at the main range rather than maternityclothes。
'Kate said she has bought one in light blue. It was a bit of a hint.’
Guardsman Lee Wheeler, 29, who met Kate at the ceremony, said the Duchesswas happily discussing the Royal bump。
He said: ‘I asked her, “Do you know if it’s a girl or a boy?” and she said,“Not yet”。
She said, “I’d like to have a boy and William would like a girl。” I askedher if she had any names and she said no.’
Since then, however, the Royal couple have revealed they have a shortlistof boys’ and girls’ names。
Alexandra and Elizabeth are said to be favourites for a girl, with Georgein the running for a boy。
Last night a spokesman for the Duchess declined to comment。